I got little response 'cause you guys suck :| However, the response I got was favourable, so it won't hurt to try out:
PLOTTING MEME. ♥Now this meme is to encourage all of you guys to help branch out, meet new people, plot new things, drum up some really awesome plans for potential CR, tell someone you want to connect with them, solicit help
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Preferred Method of Contact: ANY
Character: Sonic the Hedgehog (greaterspeed) - Sonic the Hedgehog
About Them: SONIC IS RUNNING AROUND LIKE A TARD. B| Is what he does. Occasionally making fun of Shadow or Blaze or whoever he can troll annoy. He's probably been killed by hellhounds once already and will be willing to do just about anything? Minus anything not hero-like, y'know? o-o YEAAA IDK WHERE I'M GOING WITH HIM
Character: Kei Amakura (stillsomehope) - Fatal Frame III
About Them: OH MY GOD, he needs something to do and badly. He's hung out with a few ghosts and, like many Fatal Frame characters do, sympathize with them. >8 He still has the Camera Obscura on him, but Kei's more likely to try and avoid confrontations. He is a writer, not a fighter.
Character: Link (agentle_green) - Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess
About Them: I guess for general note purposes, unless otherwise stated, Link may or may not have a spiritofanri or regaltwilight nearby/attached to him. Which means that Marth might end up tagging into the thread at some point (Midna's invited too!) >8 ( ... )
If you don't mind Marth or Midna (or both if it really came down to it 9_9 ) showing up at some point in the thread then I'm all gam- ... /stares at the names
how shiny is your camera, kei
not very. It's antique, and I can't let you take that, Starfox Rouge. Kei's defenseless enough without you yoinking his only means of fighting back. minus his manly hiding ability HURRR
B-but. But. Antiques. DID YOU SEE THAT DEATH CLOCK LAST NIGHT. /holds camera over your head <3
Or you could just have a thread with a perpetually tired Kei? Trouble doesn't follow him around nearly as much as it does for Link and Sonic. Which... isn't a whole lot better. AHAHAHA
Have you any preference for which of my pups you'd like to play with?
I... Don't have a preference? |D /not helpful
Nina would mostly be curious and stare, she doesn't afraid of much (even when she should, god Nina)
Watanuki would just avoid him. And I think Ace might join Nina is staring. More cautiously, mind, but still staring.
Kei and Watanuki need to meet up at some point, but isn't he on hiatus right now?
Well, he's more on hiatus while I try to resolve some of Link and Sonic's logs because at the rate their moving along, there is a very good chance that someone might die/be grievously wounded so.. :|a If want to thread with him as Watanuki, I'm open for that too!
Really, he's just a very quiet and tired muse.
|D Any time you want to say the encounter happened?
Parently we were also raping Cait's inbox because she had this tracked. She yelled at us in chat.
oh dear. o-o Sorry Cait!
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