Weeee belong, we belong, we belong toge-ether, Ryannn.

Dec 11, 2009 13:28

A few days ago, I decided, 'You know what I should do to get into the holly jolly holiday spirit? I should create a picspamtastic nostalgic tribute to A Benihana Christmas, aka Perhaps The Finest Times The Office Has Ever Had Ever!' This was in preparation for yet another "Moroccan Christmas"-type monstrosity of agony and heartache and bad, so the fact that last night's episode was actually -- gasp! -- really sweet and lovely was not anticipated! Still. Let us remember, if we will, this forty-five minute holiday romp of utter perfection.

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Let us begin with that loveliest and most maligned and missed of ladies: Karen Filippelli. Of course, Ann Perkins is amazing, Parks & Rec is amazing, Ann and Leslie are like my every KaPam dream realized without all the pesky Jim Halpert drama, so my bitterness is quite extinguished at this point, but oh! Karen!

Not to mention ...

KAPAM. Sigh! You guys! Is this episode even real?

Hey there, Dwangela! This is one of those quiet moments on this show that will always just reduce my heart to mush & overwhelming feelings. Remember when I didn't have a lasting bitterness toward them for crushing Andy's soul?? When they were strange frigid occasionally amoral secret soulmates?? When ... they actually acknowledged each other's existences at all? (Seriously now, Television Program! I swore a lasting vendetta against them, and I still miss their interaction! The fact that the show never even begins to hint at the fact that they were once LOVERS is so strange and discouraging to me.)

KaPammmm! Seriously. Doesn't it make you all just giddily dream of a world wherein Jim Halpert did not come between this clearly epic union of souls??

Speaking of epic -- KELLY HANGS A CANDY CANE ON RYAN'S NOSE. And Ryan is bizarrely okay with this! That is love, people. Oh, they are the grandest thing in this episode. Their storyline in the deleted scenes! Don't dump me while I'm in the dumpster! I know it's naive and foolish to have faith in any non-Jim/Pam Office love story any longer, but I can't help it. I just need to believe that these kids will make it to the end. Slamming fingers in car doors and writing embittered pop hits all the while.


There is no coherent or emotionally stable way for me to address this situation. Let me offer, plainly, earnestly: ♥

(I feel in my heart of hearts, my soul of souls, that there is a parallel Office universe that exists wherein Pam started dating Toby sort of by accident mid-season three and then magically, weirdly, unexpectedly Got Over Jim Halpert, who maybe even Stayed With Karen Filippelli, and the whole world was very, very different, and Andy and Angela and Dwight inherited the love triangle drama, and ANDY PREVAILED, and really, the only setback to this situation is that Michael would never meet Holly because Toby would never awkwardly accidentally get handsy with Pam and then flee to Costa Rica, thus requiring a new HR worker. However, in this parallel universe that splinters from the actual universe in mid-season three, Jan isn't totally off the deep end yet, so that can be salvaged too ... reuniting me at long last with my very first and most beloved Office otp! Oh, parallel universe, you dandy beast. I am suddenly struck by the very overwhelming sense that I ought to be writing fanfiction in this moment.)

Check it! The two most dysfunctional yet relentlessly enduring love stories on this fine television program -- Ryan/Kelly and Meredith/Booze! Aw!

Fact: I still ship Jim/Karen. I can't help it! They were awesome together! It was just really kind of hard to tell on account of all the Jim/Pam anguish!

SIGH. Oh, who doesn't miss this?? (Check out Andy's tie's cameo! Love triangle foreshadowing!!)


It is probably a bit irrational, some might say a bit wrong of me, to believe that they character assassinated Gil much in the style of The Fall of Jan Levinson, considering he was onscreen for about thirty seconds altogether. But -- come on! Think about it! The adorable dude who said "Gil" so earnestly, baffledly, yet good-naturedly to Dwight in "The Secret" -- who patted Oscar's shoulder so reassuringly when Oscar took in the sight of Dwight and Angela's Christmas karaoking and declared that it was just plain too soon -- he was a lovely fellow! And then he randomly became an art snob who drove Oscar to look for a way out of that relationship! I CRY FOUL.

However: I am down with Hottie Matt at this point in time, and I guess the -- sob! -- Oscar/Gil breakup led to the beautiful Andy/Oscar renaissance. So, see, I'm coping!


And lastly, lovelyly--

Happy holidays, my friends. ♥

picspam, the office

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