Title: A Green Knight In Prince Arthur's Court, Or: Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks At Them
Characters: Morgana, Gwen, Arthur, & Merlin; minor appearances by the rest of the Camelot crew; featuring, er, the Green Knight
Word Count: 2,783
Rating: PG
Chapter: 2
Spoilers: general season 2
Summary: In the thrilling continuation of our tale, Morgana, Gwen
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Comments 39
AND OMG THE SONG. I was weeping tears of laughter.
“Ay, egads, ye … timorous … beastie …”
I see what you did thar!
Why the Green Knight is masquerading as an anachronistically Scottish person, well, some things are better left mysteries.
Thanks for reading!!
( ... )
Thank you, homie. :D
(Always. I don't think any of my final papers really need doing! Bah!)
(The sequences of dialogue before and after "It was a smallish ogre," is right there are with the witch burning scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.)
(Goodness gracious, high praise!)
Ahahahaha, OMG, I love you. This fic brings me much glee, and I fear that I will never want it to end. For awhile there I thought that the man at the door was a cameo appearance by Hagrid from Harry Potter. Seriously, I did.
It’s a bit of a shame that I never got to say goodbye to Uther. Then again, he did imprison me that one time. And strangle me a bit that other time. And kill Gwen’s father. I’m certainly never forgiving him for that. But he also got me that lovely cloak for my birthday. But then that awful little man did steal it, so I suppose that doesn’t really matter in the long run-HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I LOVE YOU? Oh man, it is sad how giddy that little excerpt made me. When she mentioned that at least she was there with everyone she cared about, I said in a quite dramatic fashion, "BUT WHAT ABOUT UTHER?!?!" And then BAM! You hit me with the Uther/Morgana in the ( ... )
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