Start and Tremble (Felicity/Pippa)

Oct 03, 2009 23:44

Title: Start and Tremble
Pairing: Felicity/Pippa
Spoilers: post-A Great & Terrible Beauty; could fit in pretty much anywhere in Rebel Angels or The Sweet Far Thing
Word Count: 2,564
Rating: PG-13
Summary: My dust would hear her and beat, had I lain for a century dead. Felicity ponders many things, but mostly Pippa.
Author's Note: GOD, WRITING FEELS ( Read more... )

fic: gemma doyle trilogy, fanfiction, fic: felicity/pippa, a great and terrible beauty

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vega_ofthe_lyre October 4 2009, 13:15:47 UTC
My reaction when I saw this:

Oh, this is lovely ♥ Lovely and sad and sharp and sexy. Amazing job, hon.


dollsome October 4 2009, 18:14:23 UTC
:D :D :D Thank you, buddy!


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