Guy & Doll, Edition #12

Jun 13, 2010 23:27

New "Relationship Math" post up at Romancing California. One of these days, I'll fix the cross-posting issue... promise.


In other news, I have not yet turned off my OKCupid chat; that morbid curiosity continues, although my patience is thin these days and I'm much more likely to block people quickly.

Today's entertainment:

In one of my profile sections, I had added "Do not message me if you're bored/sad/lonely and hoping I'll send you naked pictures. Dude, that's what the rest of the Internet is for."

YetAnother24YearOld: Why would someone need to be bored, sad, or lonely to want to see you naked?
Doll: Personally, seeing me naked better be the highlight of someone's already fantastic day. Like "I won the lottery AND I got to see Doll naked today!!!"
Doll: Because if they're bored, sad, or lonely, they sure as hell aren't seeing me naked. :)
YA24YO: Hahaha. You have the shape for it. And I didn't actually think of it that way.

Notice subtle attempt to butter me up...

Doll: Thank you. Let me know what in my profile says you must be bored, sad or lonely to want to see me naked; I'll change that stat. Otherwise, I have no clue where that came from. :)
YA24YO: It seems implied. In the "Do not" section.
YA24YO: But, knowing that you're capably literate changes the way I'm reading it.

Again with the butter...

Doll: Interesting; my do-nots have cut down a lot on the pointless chats from the bored, lonely, sad men that until that point had been IMing me.
Doll: Oooh, I see what you're talking about. I was getting a lot of naked pic requests from random people...I'll reword that, though, thanks. :D
YA24YO: Well. Perhaps also from the involved, social, happy men that just want to see you naked.
Doll: Involved, social, happy men can take me out to dinner first. :D
YA24YO: Boo. Dinners are hard to do remotely =)

Nice try, kid.

Doll: *grin* Then you're shit out of luck for naked pics. ;)

For the record, I changed it to "Do not message me if you're hoping I'll send you naked pictures. Seriously, you have the rest of the Internet for that."


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