The GTX has left the building...

Mar 19, 2010 06:21

Driving a car whose CV joints are on the edge of going kerblooey1 is a bit unnerving (as well as just plain stupid), so I dropped the GTX off at the mechanic yesterday. Miss Alex picked me up and we headed to SF for dinner and an evening at the CA Academy of Sciences Nightlife. We randomly picked a little Korean place in walking distance where our two seemingly simple orders resulted in an explosion of food. We stuffed ourselves silly and waddled back juuuuust in time for Alex's friend's amateur astronomy lecture.

I will admit here that I've never been a stargazer. Looking up at a dark sky dotted with distance stars fills me with a sense of shame, that mankind should ever think itself so grand as to try to walk among them. I also just don't visualize well, so I can never pick out constellations. But Paul's introduction to astronomy got through my thick skull and for once, stars made sense. We ventured to the living roof (seriously cool, you have got to check it out sometime!) and took a peak at the moon & venus through some amateur astronomers' home made telescopes before heading inside for the planetarium show.

Unfortunately for me, I'd overdone it with all the walking. As anyone with back problems can tell you, it's strangely exhausting. The presenter's voice was so smooth and comforting, I dozed off a couple of times in the planetarium. Alex had to nudge me awake, lest my snoring interrupt the presentation.

Nightlife is every Thursday evening. I'm not likely to go every week, especially not right now while I'm carless, but I'd like to hit this at least once a month. Ping me if you're interested in joining me.

1 It's a very distinct popping noise...

sf, gtx

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