I got to spend some quality time with the little guy Thursday and today, and of course, I'll be taking him home tomorrow. His front paws are shaved poodle-style, which, given his tendency to think he's a dog, seems fitting. He looks a bit patchwork from the shaving over the rest of his body.
When I first turned the corner heading upstairs on Thursday, he chirruped at me quite a bit. He seemed genuinely happy to see me. Poor little guy can barely walk, and when he does, he tends to list to the left, often leading to a broad left-hand arc if he's not focused on getting somewhere, such as to the litterbox. He is, however, determined when he moves, which is good to see. Here's hoping the plane trip isn't too stressful for him.
Ursula's cat Ben
Well... I can see why Ursula's lost so much weight. For the last several nights, Ben's jumped upon the bed, aimed directly for the pudgiest part of my belly, and kneaded it with such ferocious vigor that I swear he's breaking fat cells down on a molecular level. While I'm thankful for his efforts, I must say that I completely understand why Ben was in the pound in the first place. I have quite a few bruises and several "ow, that's gonna leave a scar" accidental scratches. I'm not sure I've met a more lovingly disagreeable cat in all of my days.
I started to ask
spkorb if he knew of a charity that might be interested in the silver 323 I'd left in NC, given that it runs, more or less, and the likelihood of me getting back here anytime soon to drive it down to Alabama is small. Somehow, though, I managed to talk Sean into actually taking the car and racing it in Florida next year... the plan being that I find a comparable 323 in California to make over and drive to Florida for the GRM race so we can drive matching cars again!
To be fair, it's not that I managed to talk Sean into taking the car so much as he didn't say "No!" fast enough. Poor Sean. On the upside, he's welcome to donate the car as he pleases, preferably after the '08 Challenge. :)
Other stuff
I got the stuff I'd left at Deb's and maybe half the stuff I'd left at Eric's into storage. The rest will require attention at a later date. Too little time to as much as I would have liked, unfortunately. At least I gave Eric back the bedroom furniture, since it's not getting much use in storage and I'm not inclined to ship it to California.
There is great appeal to not having my life scattered across the United States. Maybe by 2009 I'll pull it all together.