The sky is blue, birds are chirping, the sun is shining! That means its becoming spring!!
I love spring so much
Yaay ive got a new roommate and she's totally awesome, we spent every evening chilling in my room, watching cool stuff and chatting about random things!
Currently im totally into HOSTS , well, actually just one ^^''
I just love men with great smiles and eyes. There is just one word to decribe him and thats ''genki'' !
The fact that he is insanely hot is also a plus...
Serizawa Ruka <3
Also ive bought these super duper awesome omgosh-look-at-those sneakers from SWIMMER!
Can't wait to wear these (they still have to be sent by the shopping service) with a cute skirt or shorts!
Ooooh summer, lying on the beach, no cold, getting a nice tan!!
Only thing : this year NO JAPAN :(
I could affort it but no time and id rather save up another year to spent my years saving on Ruka-kun mentioned above
Other than that im having fun at school, making lots of new friends, improving my Japanese and just being happy.
Currently im on a diet so i hope to loose weight before summer, this year i want pictures i can be proud of =3