(no subject)

Apr 18, 2009 17:12

Oh hai livejournal, sorry I don't write to you anymore. I'm busy graduating and going to law school in the Fall so I can finally live my dream of putting people in prison.

I've already decided I'm going to wear power suits and be ruthless but I don't think I'll have a commercial on television.

Otherwise, everything is great. My indoor terrarium is flourishing, I've set up a studio for my stained glass making and I've been given a chance to work on Economic Development Research for the City of Buffalo. Which is an improvement from last year when my job was to go around interviewing people in the ghettos, which generally made be bitter to all humanity. Seriously, why do the poorest people always have the money to afford drugs, expensive cars, and big tvs from rent-a-center while living in the worst slums and complaining that they can't "afford a nice area."

I'm also pretty sure the government is engineering "orange drink" and puffy cheese doobles to control the masses so they only watch reality MTV shows about ghetto/white trash people looking for love, money, drugs, rap stardom or the such.

It's almost all foreign. I grew up poorer than 99% of people in the City of Buffalo, I'm sure. We lived in the Soviet Union, in a one bedroom apartment with my grandmother. Everybody worked full time, there was always food on the table and clothes to wear but never these material items that "poor" people now own, and even feel like they deserve. Items in the apartment where all 20-40 years old, nothing was ever replaced until it's usage was completely worn. It's just disgusting as to what is considered poor these days in America, the definition is essentially the inability to afford a big screen TV and $300 sneakers.

Oddly enough, in the immigrant community I was raised in when we moved to America, mostly everybody from there now makes six figure salaries and their kids are in college and doing well. These are people who came to America in their 20's and 30's, who went to college, worked three jobs and barely spoke English. Yet they where able to move ahead in the world because they didn't want to live off of welfare the rest of their lives, in a shitty neighborhood that was dirty and crime ridden. It wasn't important to drive a nice car, or have whatever was popular at the time.

That's probably the difference between Americans and Immigrants, Americans equate giving their children a better life by buying them expensive clothes and other garbage to keep up appearances. But Immigrants equal giving their children a better life by actually working for it, and pushing them to go to school so they can eventually be comfortable in the long term.

So yes, that's the end of my rant.

Chris and I are redoing a house he rescued off of the City of Buffalo's chopping block, it's looking more and more beautiful by the day. The outside was painted last year, it's this deep shade of purple on the lower and chocolate brown on the upper with white trim. The progress is astounding, rents started at $100 per room when he bought it last year and as we've been doing more and more things to it they're getting up to $250-$300 a room. The best part is, I get to paint things crazy colours to my hearts content.
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