Jan 01, 2011 16:28
My last scedule for the fall term looks like this:
4th of January: Introduction to Culture Studies final
5th of January: deadline Religions & Rituals paper
6th of January: Humanities 1 final
10th of January: Interpretation of Cultural Influences final
17th of January: deadline book interpretation paper & music interpretation paper
And then its the end of my fall term =o!
Spring term will start 25th of January so I will be able to have a little breather between the 2 terms.
It's been tough being back in school lol. I had to juggle my homework between my working hours and lecture time. When the results roll in we will see how I've done it =x. The feeling I have about my results, I really dont know lol. My Philosophy of Science final was annoying thats for sure. Again I completely forgot everything about David Hume...just like in the mock-exam. And I did study him extra this time but it was just all blank @___@. Very annoying. Let's just hope I did the other 9 questions better.
I tried out the new studying method my dad offered me. Because reading my notes for 2 hours in one go doesnt work! Now spacing study-sessions over 20 minutes at a time it sticks better in my mind. I have no idea how I studied back then lol. It's too long ago to remember my highschool time.
Anyway my 5 minute break went up into writing this journal entry. Back to studying!