2 Fics; PG-13 (Laurence Dominic/Adelle DeWitt; Judith)

Jan 01, 2012 20:12

Title: Three Days
Author: derevko_child
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, etc.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 756 words
Summary: Five hours after her husband’s death, a homeless man tells her that she’ll be given a chance to be with him again.
Notes: For dollsome, who gave the prompt, "DeWitt/Dominic, the plot of Three Days"

Title: Temp
Author: derevko_child
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, etc.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 383 words
Summary: Wherein Judith and her sister talk about a career change.
Notes: Written for duh_i_read, who gave the prompt "Judith pre-cannon"

chara: laurence dominic, chara: adelle dewitt, pairing: adelle/laurence, author: derevko_child, length: ficlet (101-999 words), rating: pg-13 (frt)

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