Title: Ghosts
sabaceanbabePairing/Characters: Echo
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: not mine, no money, no abuse intended, please don't sue
Word Count: 100
… eyes bore into hers like twin drills as she raises a Glock 9mm…
… weight of the little girl’s laughter as she swings her up, her own laughter bubbling up inside, desperate to escape…
… a snowflake melting on her tongue…
… pure adrenaline rush as she free-falls through the sky…
… his body moving over hers, the satin sheets on which she lies as warm as his skin…
… flash of pain spiking through her head, tearing at her very being…
Echo opens her eyes and smiles warmly at the man standing over her. “Did I fall asleep?”