Stolen Soul (NC-17: Topher, Sam/Dean from SPN)

Dec 19, 2009 22:03

Title: Stolen Soul
Author: jaune_chat
Fandoms: Supernatural/Dollhouse
Characters and Pairings: Sam/Dean, Castiel, Topher, Adele, Boyd, Paul Ballard, Echo, Victor, Sierra
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 12,032
Spoilers: 5x10 “Abandon All Hope” for Supernatural and 2x04 “Belonging” for Dollhouse
Warnings: Consensual incest, slash, other sexual situations, violence
Disclaimer: Dollhouse and Supernatural belong to their respective creators
A/N: Thanks to robinyj and brighteyed_jill for betaing and making everything better. Written for hunters_retreat for xover_exchange.
Summary: Dean is stolen and taken to the Dollhouse to prevent him from ever fulfilling his destiny. Sam has to try to find him while he and Castiel attempt to avert Apocalyptic signs from destroying the city. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the Dollhouse find their newest member may have more to him than his story suggests.

Stolen Soul

chara: adelle dewitt, chara: echo, chara: boyd langton, chara: victor, crossover, chara: topher brink, chara: sierra, rating: nc-17 (frao), chara: paul ballard

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