Title: Enemies of My Soul, Conspirators in Pajamas (12/12)
Rating: PG-13 for language, and violence
Characters: Laurence Dominic, Michael Vaughn, Adelle DeWitt, Topher Brink, Sydney Bristow, several OCs
Pairing: Adelle DeWitt/Laurence Dominic
Disclaimer: I do not own Dollhouse. Or Alias.
Words: 5, 942
Notes: Spoilers for season 1 of Dollhouse and season 5 of Alias.
Here be the
previous chapters Again, he’s not sure, but he thinks he might have seen the expression on Dominic’s face brightening. Okay, probably not, because he’s frowning again. But he’s sure that upside-down smile turned a little bit straight just a few seconds ago.