175: Little Asian's kinda cute.

Jun 29, 2010 19:50

Mag: You know, you can stay. I'll do the job.
Zone: Come on, just takes me a while to process things during which I yell... I get what's at stake. Who doesn't want to spend some quality time with these awesomely normal people?
Mag: I don't know. Could be alright. Little Asian's kinda cute.
Zone: She's a tech head, Mag... She's a girl, Mag!

+ Made this picspam in honor of Felicia Day who turned 31 yesterday. Happy (belated) Birthday! Btw, can I date your avatar?

expression: confused, type: picspam, type: quotes, expression: amused, actual: mag, ep: 2x13 epitaph two: return, mag: zone is not the brightest pal, actual: zone, zone: she's a girl mag!, season: 2

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