168: Do you trust me? - With my life.

Jun 20, 2010 22:45

+ When I started watching Dollhouse and first saw this special bond between Echo and Boyd, doll and handler, I couldn't help but being reminded of that special bond that Buffy and Giles had (Slayer - Watcher/father figure). And in a way, a handler isn't anything else than a Watcher or vice versa. But ever since we got to know the revelation of Boyd at the end of season 2, this special bond got to a whole new, creepy dimension. What do you think?

expression: exhausted, type: picspam, doll: echo, show: buffy the vampire slayer, expression: caring, handler: boyd langton, ep: 1x02 the target, shipping: echo/boyd, season: 1, type: comparison

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