158: There are many parts of me that know that this is wrong, none that care and six...

May 25, 2010 17:12

Boyd: Alpha, do not do this! There's a part of you that knows that this is wrong.
Alpha: There are many parts of me that know that this is wrong, none that care and six... [laughs] that just find it funny. You know what's not funny? Is that she actually cares about these guys, you know what I mean, she loves. But they are just using her, not even every part of her, just the piece that serves them. They're wasting her. So, I'm going to waste them.
Boyd: She doesn't know, she doesn't remember!
Alpha: DO NOT LIE TO ME! We remember everything! [to Matt] What were you saying, about you and Echo, about your time together? Tell them what you told me.
Matt: Please, please, just let me go. I-I will-
Alpha: You said that she was amazing and that it was… what? Tell them.
Matt: I said it was a blast.
Alpha: Who doesn't love a pun? [activates the trigger device]
Paul: Fall back!

+ Part 1

ep: 2x08 a love supreme, expression: psychopathy, accessories: explosive charge, doll: alpha, wardrobe: suit, expression: irritated, handler: boyd langton, paul: what would echo do?, alpha: loves all parts of echo, wardrobe: black, type: quotes, type: picspam, expression: fierce, expression: scarrred, handler: paul ballard, accessories: psychosis, expression: amused, icu: goin' all joker-like, bamf: alpha, location: helipad, alpha: finds it funny, client: matt cargill, season: 2

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