154: Could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare...

May 18, 2010 18:05

Little girl (= young Caroline?): I love you, pretty horsie!
Echo: I think we can all safely say that this isn't real.

+ MTE, Echo!
+ Took a look at FOX's new schedule for 2010/2011 and there's not a single new show that interests me (well, I might give Terra Nova a try, tbh), but ugh, I just wish they had kept Dollhouse. It was a daring, thought-provoking and, most importantly, interesting show! Another 13-episode season would have been totally fine if you had asked me. :(

echo: is this even real life?, echo: did i fall asleep?, icu: havin' a flashback, type: picspam, type: quotes, doll: echo, location: atrium, damn!: this can't be real!, ep: 2x10 the attic, expression: confident, wardrobe: casual, accessories: tree, accessories: snowflakes, season: 2, icu: havin' weird visions

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