144: Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brain... I knew I wouldn't forget ya....

Apr 27, 2010 19:21

Matt: So, what do you think?
Echo/Alice: Wow, I’ve never seen anything like it. It looks like a dragon. Is that stupid?
[He tries to hand her the helmet.]
Matt: Uh, here.
Echo/Alice: Oh, no, thank you.
Matt: Alice, you’re gonna drive this bike.
Echo/Alice: I am?
Matt: Yeah. You’re gonna do a lot of new things today.
[She takes the helmet.]
Echo/Alice: Okay!
[He pulls her close as she looks at the bike.]
Echo/Alice: Wow.

ep: 1x07 echoes, ohmydoll: those things i'd do 2 u, type: picspam, type: quotes, doll: echo, wardrobe: manga-like, expression: excited, client: matt cargill, expression: happy, season: 1, echo's imprint: playgirl alice, accessories: motorbike

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