141: Melt my heart to stone.

Apr 23, 2010 20:06

Dominic: I don't like it.
Adelle: Good, it's your job not to like it, Mr. Dominic, but Senator Boxbaum is more than just a valued client. He’s a well-placed asset. Denying his request would have a steeper downside than acquiescing.
Dominic: It’s not the job. I’m confident Langton can handle the ATF. It’s Echo. Her field response has been wildly erratic lately.
Adelle: She’s demonstrated a… talent for adaptability, which is precisely what is required in this instance.
Dominic: They shouldn’t be adaptable. They should be predictable. If Alpha didn’t teach us that much…
Adelle: You don’t like Echo, do you, Mr. Dominic?
Dominic: It’s not that I don’t like her. It’s sometimes I worry you do.
Adelle: Your objections have been noted, thank you, Mr. Dominic.

+ If some of you had to commit theirselves to a mental institution because they didn't get their daily Dollhouse fix, I'm sorry. I REALLY AM. ;(
I hope this wonderful Adelle/Dominic set will make up for the fact that I was super busy this week and therefore couldn't update. ;)

mr. dominic: behind these puppy eyes, damn!: those lips shouldn't be legal!, mr. dominic: doesn't really like echo, wardrobe: suit, hbic: adelle dewitt, expression: confident, accessories: britishness, accessories: red lips, season: 1, expression: determined, handler: laurence dominic, type: quotes, type: picspam, location: atrium, adelle: sweeter than a cherry pie, wardrobe: casual, ep: 1x05 true believer

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