Joshua's body box opening

Mar 24, 2012 20:59

Sometime around the end of January, I received what should have been Joshua's Impldoll pink skin body. Impldoll sent me the wrong skin though, with only the body's right forearm being pink. I sent them some pictures and they agreed to send me a new body in the right color.

A little over a month later (the first body took a little under a month), I e-mailed again for an update on the new body. They didn't reply within the day, but sent me an EMS tracking number the very next day. The body took 4 days to arrive to my country (2 days being over the weekend), but got stuck in Customs for 10.B| Nonetheless, on the morning of the 22nd, I finally got a hold of the box--

Ceth's really happy he's around this time.

--which was in really bad shape 'cause the local post opened it and half-assedly tried to tape it back.DX

But if you think that's scary, then what about opening the box and finding the bubble wrap mummy right away?x_X

I mean, sure, I was already expecting I won't get another bag, but not even a sturdier box or even newspaper..? And while I had a really hard time trying to get the body out last time, this one didn't even have the ends taped closed. The body had nearly slid out.DX I'm willing to put the blame on local post rather than Impldoll though.

Just one straight snip and we had him unravelled:

Thankfully, the body's intact. It had a few scratches and some dark marks, but the scratches are hardly visible and the dirty spots should be easy to clean.

And here's some picspam of Josh in his new body~.♥

The impldoll body poses something awesome, but I found a problem with this particular one.=( If you'd notice, his hands are all in the same position in all of these pictures. His left one, in particular, refuses to turn for more than a few degrees. I thought this might be a problem with the S-hooks being too big, but I compared them with the first body's and their exactly the same.

image Click to view

So I think this body's arms just hadn't been 'hollowed out' enough. While I'm OK with pulling out his hands just to turn them, the hooks also scrape against the insides of his arms and I'm scared to break them if I do that repeatedly. I'm going to e-mail impldoll about this, but anyone else have any idea on how to fix this?~_~

josh, box opening

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