Jan 09, 2006 11:19
Time for another update. I am still feeling ‘blah’ but, I have another shot this Thursday so, hopefully that will go better than the first one. Other than that, not a whole lot going on. I have been working a lot and just trying to feel better. There are some people in my life that really don’t understand what I am going through… the keep pushing to go out with me… and they more they push, the easier it is to eliminate them from my life. CRIPES! Let me feel better first then I can go out. I barely go out with my family anymore, I just don’t have the energy to. So, anyone that pushes will get a one way ticket right the fuck out of my life. J (can you tell that someone is on my last nerve)
On another note, I am thinking that I want another tattoo. I have been watching Miami In k a lot and I want another one. I would love to go to Miami and have Chris Garver or Ami James do it but, that isn’t even an option. Oh well, a girl can dream can’t she?
Well, back to the wonderful job!
*hugs, humps and possibly a new tattoo*