Title: Undercover Schemes
dollfacedPairing: Harry/Pansy
Word Count: 299
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: Won Round 3, Challenge 6 of
pphp_ldws :) Prompt was Contempt vs. Adoration.
“Tell me you love it.”
Harry chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “I love it, Parkinson. Of course I love it.” He returned the report, their fingers touching slightly in the exchange. “You knew I would. No one in the department devises better undercover schemes than you.”
“It’s because I used to be a bad girl,” Pansy said with a wink.
Draco felt ill. He coughed loudly, refusing to be subtle about his contempt for these two fools.
He and Pansy used to be a team. Together they had enjoyed insulting Potter and the rest of the goody-goody tossers behind their backs. It had made the day-to-day monotony of being an Auror less boring. Now she had to go and spoil it with all this flirting and googly-eye making. Disgusting! At least he wasn’t the only one sickened by it. He’d seen Granger roll her eyes at their meet-cute behavior and sappy endearments, making snide remarks under her breath.
Pansy glared at him until Potter began to speak, stealing away her attention.
“Malfoy, I know you’ve been working on this case for a while now but if there’s even a possibility that your cover has been blown, you can’t go on this mission. We can’t put Parkinson’s life or yours in danger.”
“What? I know this case better than anyone! Who could possibly replace me?”
“I’ll be going,” Harry stated.
Draco could see the grin on Pansy's face. He stood up. “Fine. Go. But whatever this is, you had better get it out of your system while you’re gone! I can’t take it anymore!”
He stormed off, leaving the stupidly grinning couple in his wake. He went to find Granger. She was smart and she couldn’t stand them either. She would have a strategy to end this Pansy and Potter nonsense!