Jul 04, 2005 22:54
CONGRATS TO MY BAND CHILDREN AT VP!! Best Drumline, best guard, and *drumroll please.* best drum major! Not to mention Grand Champions for the 12th year in a row (me thinks..). Hugs and kisses to all of you!
Watching VP was fun. At first, I was like "Man. I wish I was still in band." But as soon as they marched by and I saw the sweaty, tired people..I couldn't help but thank god I've graduated, lol. It was nice hanging out with the O'Fallon cheering section too. Especially Anna, who brought her cot (AHAHAHAHA!). Anna, you're hilarious. Not counting the fact that you had never ridden the metro before, you poor sheltered child ^_^. But I won't bag on her because she helped me get out of an ironic and sticky situation, lol. Thanks buddy.
I went to work after the parade..had to close, which is always a hoot. We did get done super fast though, because Steven, Meghan, Shannon, Connie, Dail, and I are closing masters. Steven and company asked me to go to Denny's afterward, which made for some very very interesting conversation O_o. Let's just say..I am very naive and innocent.
So work today was hilarious because we had a tornado warning. The sky turned green and everything..Dana was freaking out..kids were crying..our umbrellas almost blew away..quite entertaining. I almost wanted Cold Stone to be completely destroyed, but then I remembered that I would be inside of it. Hhmm..genius. LOL, I loved Mark's comment: "Well..at least the line won't be long." Connie let me leave early, *YES*, and I gave Loren a ride home, not realizing that she lives in the boonies of Collinsville. Most definately got lost, spent 20 minutes driving past cornfields that were not familiar, and then ended up in an obscure part of downtown Collinsville. Thankfully, a call to Mr. Bradley put me on the right track, and once I saw Jesus, I knew I was saved (LOL, go giant mural in the middle of town.). I have no sense of direction. I'm keeping a compass in my car, jeez..
I need to rant.
So, I read this editorial two days ago in the St. Louis post dispatch. It was commenting on Bush's address, basically ripping him apart. I'm fine with that, have your own opinion, whatever. But then he makes the comment that he can't believe that Bush dares to suggest that on the Fourth of July, everyone should write a letter to a soldier overseas or spend time with someone who has a relative in combat. According to the writer, these simple actions exemplify Bush's statement, "Some Americans doubt that the sacrifice is worth it." Apparently, being a decent human being isn't worth it. Apparently, supporting people that represent and are fighting for the ideals of our country isn't worth it. Apparently, taking the same amount of time to write a letter that it took to write that piece of garbage isn't worth it. If you don't agree with the war, that's perfectly fine. If you hate Bush's guts, be my guest..I despise some of the things he's done too. But don't you dare forget that those that you read about dying in the headlines are people. They're not just words on a page or a personification of Bush. This author sits, safe at home, typing that encouragement for people, who decided that the ultimate sacrifice for HIM and millions of others is worth it, is too much of a sacrifice for him to handle.
Apathy is destroying our country.
*end rant*