This week has been the best ever..holy crap.
Monday was my last day of work *insert hallelujah chorus here*. It was quite hilarious because Dana was making ice cream and forgot to close the little door to where the ice cream is supposed to come out. Ah..let's just say, we had a humongous pile of mint ice cream on the floor. Then they tried to mop it up, which only succeeded in smooshing it all over the floor. Haha, "Connie's coming in 10 minutes! Hurry hurry hurry!!"
And then I got off 2 hours early. God Bless America.
Tuesday had to be one of my favorite days of the summer. The surprise party for Ashley was a success, even if I did ram her into a fence while she was blindfolded..ahahaha..Thanks to everyone who came!!
It was great hanging out with the older girl crew for a while..
"Hey, do you remember that one time in Spain.." - Me, talking to Greg
"YEAH!" - Laura.
Laura..we went to GERMANY, not Spain. LOL.
After that, I hoodwinked Ashley into going with Annette, Amanda, and I to go see my first concert ever. HARRY AND THE POTTERS!!
Here's Annette, Amanda, and Katie..The concert was in a library, and we were sitting in the front row, center! How awesome are we??
Gods of Rock.
"What are we doing flying a car? We're only twelve years old!"
"Oh my god, you look like a frog!"
"Are you petrified of being petrified?"
I got a picture AND an autograph. How awesome are they..they were so adorable, lol.
So, many funny things happened at and after the concert, lol.
First of all, I see this girl that I knew from Model U.N. She was China..and also the biggest moron in our committee. ALL SHE WOULD TALK ABOUT IS OVERPOPULATION!! What does overpopulation have to do with nuclear disarmament???? NOTHING! IDIOT. Anyways, I say hi..and it turns out she's quitting high school to work with the EPA. Our environment is doomed. Then we start talking about Model U.N., and we get on the subject of "country stereotypes." I bring up the this one Middle Eastern country is ALWAYS a slut, no matter what. She says, "Iraq?" And I say "That's the one!"
Turns out that girl was one of her best friends.
I would like to thank Annette for bursting out laughing while I am trying to salvage what is left of my dignity at this point, haha.
Then Sarika asks the guys in the band if they want to hang out with us, and the reply was "Um..I have to check my phone messages." That was the most horrible rejection ever, LOL.
So, Annette, Ashley, Amanda and I go for ice cream and we end up talking for about 2 hours. These greasy guys in KISS shirts keep looking at us and asking for the time, yada yada..Then one of them comes up and gives the best pickup line I've ever heard in my life. I was blown away.
" friends MADE me come talk to you guys..What are you doing later?"
I didn't have time to think of a witty response, however. Sad.
Annette and I went to hang out with Dylan, Bryan, Justin, and his friend Zach at Hy Ho, which was absolutely classic. Zach is a cool kid, even if he did lose a fight with a hanging lamp..haha!
Got in trouble for coming home at 2 in the morning. Aaaaghhh..
Last night, I went with Nathan and Alyssa to a jam session in St. Louis. LOL, we suck at directions. Definately were trying to go to the Galleria, and went over the Martin Luther King Bridge. If Nathan hadn't been squealing like a little girl when I told the nerve story, we would have gotten there in time to see Dawn play at her gig, lol. Somehow, we ended up at SLU, so we knew where we were. Met Dawn and her gig, and she let us see her apartment. HOLY GOD, it was so cool. I want to live in an apartment just like it. PLUS, it's right by the City Museum! SCORE!
After that, we went to the jam session at Hammerstone. Alyssa and I were freakin out..and Nathan was..Nathan, because he's awesomely talented and had no worries, haha. Both Nathan and Alyssa did stupendously. While I was doing mine, I lost track of where I I had to actually improv for real for a whole chorus, lol. Quite hilarious.
Everyone thought we did a good job ^_^. Even the base player was like "Not only did we have two beautiful ladies in the room, but they could also PLAY!" Dawn was proud =).
That was probably one of the coolest things I had ever done. You just got up there and grooved, and you forgot all about being nervous and just thought about the music and the emotion. I would love to be a musician and do that for a living. Unfortunately..that requires talent. Of which I lack. DAMN.
What an eventful week! Loved it. I wish my summer wasn't ending so soon =(. I'm really just starting to hang out with my friends.
...On a side note, I'm not even worth a phone call. I guess I served my purpose.
By the way, some of my friends are acting like absolute morons. If you can't find anything better to do than to drink just to get drunk, then stay home. I'm afraid one night, one of them will get into a car totally wasted, and I'll be reading about it in the paper the next day. Make mature decision, please.