Oklahoma Women, your rights are being challenged...

Mar 08, 2006 14:53

shamelessly stolen from tulsatime, with a few modifications of my own.

South Dakota has banned abortion. It's being taken to court by Planned Parenthood.

9 more states have similar legislation pending.

And now this...

HB 2884 paassed out of committee Monday night. It is authored by Representative Thad Balkman of Norman. It has the following language:

No pharmacist, nor any agent or employee of a pharmacist:
1) Shall be prohibited from refusing to provide contraceptive procedures, supplies, and information when refusal is based upon religious or concientious objection:

This language if passed into law will allow pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control if they so choose. If they are the only pharmacist in town....women are just out of luck. It is clear that they plan to prevent women from using birth control if they can.

Please contact your Oklahoma House Representative and ask them to vote against HB 2884.

To find out who your Oklahoma House Member is visit http://www.capitolconnect.com/oklahoma/default.aspx

The toll free Oklahoma House Switchboard number is 1-800-522-8502

Then call Representative Thad Balkman toll free and ask him to stop his attempts to prevent Oklahoma women from obtaining birth control.

These are the reps and their emails:

Dennis Adkins dennisadkins@okhouse.gov 75 R
Don Armes donarmes@okhouse.gov 63 R
Jari Askins jariaskins@okhouse.gov 50 D
John Auffet johnauffet@okhouse.gov 86 D
Thad Balkman balkman@okhouse.gov 45 R
Gary Banz garybanz@okhouse.gov 101 R
Chris Benge chrisbenge@okhouse.gov 68 R
Lisa J. Billy lisajbilly@okhouse.gov 42 R
Brian Bingman brianbingman@okhouse.gov 30 R
Debbie Blackburn debbieblackburn@okhouse.gov 88 D
Gus Blackwell gusblackwell@okhouse.gov 61 R
David Braddock davidbraddock@okhouse.gov 52 D
Neil Brannon neilbrannon@okhouse.gov 3 D
Mike Brown mikebrown@okhouse.gov 4 D
Kevin Calvey kevincalvey@okhouse.gov 94 R
John Carey johncarey@okhouse.gov 21 D
Lance Cargill lancecargill@okhouse.gov 96 R
Bill Case billcase@okhouse.gov 95 R
Ann Coody anncoody@okhouse.gov 64 R
Marian Cooksey mariancooksey@okhouse.gov 39 R
James Covey jamescovey@okhouse.gov 57 D
Doug Cox dougcox@okhouse.gov 5 R
Odilia Dank odiliadank@okhouse.gov 85 R
Lee Denney leedenney@okhouse.gov 33 R
Dale DePue daledepue@okhouse.gov 31 R
Abe Deutschendorf abedeutschendorf@okhouse.gov 62 D
Dale DeWitt daledewitt@okhouse.gov 38 R
Joe Dorman joedorman@okhouse.gov 65 D
Rex Duncan rexduncan@okhouse.gov 35 R
Joe Eddins joeeddins@okhouse.gov 6 D
Jerry Ellis jerryellis@okhouse.gov 1 D
Darrell Gilbert darrellgilbert@okhouse.gov 72 D
Larry Glenn larryglenn@okhouse.gov 7 D
Rebecca Hamilton rebeccahamilton@okhouse.gov 89 D
Terry Harrison terryharrison@okhouse.gov 18 D
Chris Hastings chrishastings@okhouse.gov 79 R
Jeffrey W. Hickman jwhickman@okhouse.gov 58 R
Todd Hiett toddhiett@okhouse.gov 29 R
Wes Hilliard weshilliard@okhouse.gov 22 D
Terry Hyman terryhyman@okhouse.gov 49 D
Terry Ingmire terryingmire@okhouse.gov 34 R
Mike Jackson mikejackson@okhouse.gov 40 R
Shane Jett shanejett@okhouse.gov 27 R
Rob Johnson robjohnson@okhouse.gov 59 R
Tad Jones tadjones@okhouse.gov 9 R
Sally Kern sallykern@okhouse.gov 84 R
Ryan Kiesel kiesel@okhouse.gov 28 D
Lucky Lamons luckylamons@okhouse.gov 66 D
Guy Liebmann guyliebmann@okhouse.gov 82 R
Al Lindley allindley@okhouse.gov 93 D
Mark Liotta markliotta@okhouse.gov 77 R
Steve Martin stevemartin@okhouse.gov 10 R
Mike Mass mikemass@okhouse.gov 17 D
Ray McCarter mccarter@okhouse.gov 51 D
Jeannie McDaniel jeanniemcdaniel@okhouse.gov 78 D
Ryan McMullen ryanmcmullen@okhouse.gov 55 D
Jerry McPeak jerrymcpeak@okhouse.gov 13 D
Ray Miller raymiller@okhouse.gov 15 D
Doug Miller dougmiller@okhouse.gov 46 R
Ken Miller kenmiller@okhouse.gov 81 R
Danny Morgan dannymorgan@okhouse.gov 32 D
Fred Morgan fredmorgan@okhouse.gov 83 R
Richard Morrissette richardmorrissette@okhouse.gov 92 D
John Nance johnnance@okhouse.gov 90 R
Bill Nations billnations@okhouse.gov 44 D
Jim Newport jimnewport@okhouse.gov 37 R
Fred Perry fredperry@okhouse.gov 69 R
Ron Peters ronpeters@okhouse.gov 70 R
Pam Peterson pampeterson@okhouse.gov 67 R
Ron Peterson ronpeterson@okhouse.gov 80 R
Greg Piatt gregpiatt@okhouse.gov 48 R
Bob Plunk bobplunk@okhouse.gov 25 D
R. C. Pruett rcpruett@okhouse.gov 19 D
Mike Reynolds mikereynolds@okhouse.gov 91 R
Phil Richardson philrichardson@okhouse.gov 56 R
Paul D. Roan paulroan@okhouse.gov 20 D
Curt Roggow roggow@okhouse.gov 41 R
Wade Rousselot waderousselot@okhouse.gov 12 D
Mike Shelton mikeshelton@okhouse.gov 97 D
Ben Sherrer bensherrer@okhouse.gov 8 D
Jerry Shoemake jerryshoemake@okhouse.gov 16 D
Jabar Shumate jabarshumate@okhouse.gov 73 D
John Smaligo johnsmaligo@okhouse.gov 74 R
Glen Bud Smithson glensmithson@okhouse.gov 2 D
Barbara Staggs barbarastaggs@okhouse.gov 14 D
Kris Steele krissteele@okhouse.gov 26 R
Daniel Sullivan danielsullivan@okhouse.gov 71 R
Joe Sweeden joesweeden@okhouse.gov 36 D
Randy Terrill randyterrill@okhouse.gov 53 R
Mike Thompson mikethompson@okhouse.gov 100 R
Sue Tibbs suetibbs@okhouse.gov 23 R
Opio Toure opiotoure@okhouse.gov 99 D
John Trebilcock johntrebilcock@okhouse.gov 98 R
Dale Turner daleturner@okhouse.gov 24 D
Purcy D. Walker purcywalker@okhouse.gov 60 D
Paul Wesselhoft paulwesselhoft@okhouse.gov 54 R
Mike Wilt wiltmi@lsb.state.ok.us 11 R
Susan Winchester susanwinchester@okhouse.gov 47 R
Trebor Worthen treborworthen@okhouse.gov 87 R
John Wright johnwright@okhouse.gov 76 R
Ray Young rayyoung@okhouse.gov 43 R

My letter:

Dear Representative Peters,

I'm sure that you're already aware that HB 2884 passed out of committee Monday night. This is a sad day in Oklahoma, to try and set womens rights back 30 years. Pharmacists are part of the service industry. They're there to do a job and if they can't do that job because of moral, ethical, or religious beliefs, then they are in the wrong profession.

This is not just about birth control and "the morning after pill". This bill could ultimately affect all manner of prescription drugs that individual pharmacists might find some sort of personal issue with. Depression, anxiety, and ADHD drugs could all be in jeopardy. These drugs, regardless of a pharmacist's personal opinion, are regulated and prescribed and therefore should not be denied for any reason to anyone with a valid prescription.

I can only have faith that common sense and justice will prevail and this bill will be shot down.

Thank you for your time.
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