character name: Namine, or Naminé. No last name.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts; first appearance was Chain of Memories.
Timeline: Beginning of Kingdom Hearts 2; just after meeting Roxas on the Sixth Day.
character's age: Fifteen-ish. Sixteen at the eldest.
canon powers, skills, pets and equipment:
Nobody - A being without a heart, created when someone with a strong heart loses it to the Heartless. The shell left behind. They do not truly exist, being things created of nothing. The strongest hearts keep their true appearances with some alterations, and they keep their memories of being a Somebody. They have no emotions, and rely on their memories to tell them how to react to certain situations.
Heartless - Creatures of darkness who act on instinct. They feed on hearts, and from one person, both a Heartless and Nobody can be born. If the two come back together, the Somebody can be resurrected.
Heart - No one knows for sure what it is, but it is what allows someone to have feelings and exist.
Organization XIII - A group of, appropriately, thirteen Nobodies who have kept their appearances and are working toward a common goal.
Corridor of Darkness - A path through the Realm of Darkness to 'teleport' to another location. Nobodies and Heartless commonly use them, though Riku has been seen manipulating them as well, and Sora has traveled through them. The pathways are formed of Darkness and are unsafe for a normal person to travel using them, due to the negative effects on their hearts. There are black cloaks which protect the wearer from the effects, and some characters are not effected at all.
In canon, she has the power to manipulate and alter the memories of Sora and those connected to him. Her power, unlike other humanoid Nobodies, is not useful in battle, and so she is called a 'witch'. She can move around the 'links' of the victim's memories, or sever them completely. She can also alter objects with this power. How she actually does this is something of note -- she is constantly scribbling on a sketchpad, something DiZ suspects is due to needing to 'capture' the memories before actually working with them. And so her room is filled with doodles of events, places, and people who are in Sora's memory. Some of the pictures are also of Roxas, showing her ability to fiddle with his memory as well.
Being a Nobody, she can also access the Corridors of Darkness, but does not do so often, unless the situation desperately calls for it.
non-canon powers: In canon, her powers are restricted to Sora and those linked to his heart. Though not exactly a completely separate power, extending those powers she has enough that she is able to use them on others and not just Sora would be useful, as it is possible they may not even come in contact with each other. This, of course, would have to be okayed by other players, whether in a permission post or in private, because of the nature of the powers themselves.
canon history: When Sora unlocked his heart to release Kairi's and became a Heartless, Namine was born. The result of two hearts escaping one body at once created not one Nobody, but two -- Roxas, Sora's true Nobody, and Namine, the byproduct of Kairi's heart. Neither were imbued with any memories of their former selves due to Sora's short time as a Heartless, and Namine, her powers to alter reality an asset to Organization XIII, was taken to Castle Oblivion.
There, under orders from the Organization, she rewrote Sora's memories so that he would remember her as an old friend of his from his homeworld. Sora is motivated by these false memories to continue ascending through the castle, despite having been told he will lose memories as he continues to ascend. Namine, seeing that Kairi had someone who cared very deeply for her while she was alone, was motivated to replace Sora's memories of Kairi with herself.
Meanwhile, Namine has been forced to rewrite the Riku Replica's memories as well, so that he thought he was the real Riku. Like Sora, he believed that Namine was a long-lost friend, that he made the same promise to her as Sora, and even had the same lucky charm (but while Sora's was Kairi's charm, just transformed to look like Namine's, the Replica's was just a card transformed). When she is released by Axel, who was now operating alone, on his own agenda, she revealed herself and her actions to Sora, due to her growing conscience. She appeared to Sora in the memory version of Destiny Islands as he spoke with the false memory Namine, telling him to look for the glimmer of light in his heart.
In the halls of Castle Oblivion, Sora arrived and confronted Namine, realizing that she wasn't the person special to him. Just then, the Replica arrived, but was defeated, and when Sora tried to help him, the Replica caught him off-guard and attacked. Namine crushed the false memories in the Replica's heart, rendering him unconscious. Larxene arrived, but made the mistake of incurring Sora's wrath by harming Namine, and was defeated.
After the battle, she expressed deep regret, explaining her actions and motivations. She was surprised to find Sora did not blame her for this -- he was completely forgiving, though expressed his unhappiness with what Namine had done. When asked if there is anything that can be done to fix it, she explained that she could fix the memories which she had tampered with, but only after Sora defeated the lord of Castle Oblivion, Marluxia. Sora left to fight him, leaving the Replica under her care, but Marluxia arrived and took Namine captive.
Marluxia was then confronted by Axel about his plan to overthrow the Organization. Marluxia used Namine as a human shield, but Axel was not deterred and stated he would cut through her if he must, much to her shock. However, Sora arrived and fought Axel, though was not quick enough to save Namine before Marluxia left with her. Marluxia ordered Namine to completely erase Sora's memory, so that he could become his puppet. Namine remembered Sora's kindness and refused the order, and is threatened with death. Sora urged her to erase his memory, if it might save her from death, but she was saved by the Riku Replica's intervention. Sora, Donald, and Goofy initiated the final battle with Marluxia.
When he defeated Marluxia and the Replica departed, she presented Sora with a choice -- he could either keep his memories of Castle Oblivion and lose his old ones, or he could reclaim the memories that he had lost in exchange for the ones made there. She understood his choice, and locked Sora, Donald and Goofy into special capsules so that she might rewrite and fix the memories that she had tampered with. Though it would take time, she assured him that he would eventually become his former self, and they made a promise to meet again as real friends.
Namine also helped Riku defeat the dark presence within him by taking on Kairi's form as he was about to be struck down by Zexion. In this visitation he found the strength to defeat the Nobody, and Zexion just barely escaped. At the urging of DiZ, she met Riku again and revealed Sora to him, who is now sleeping in order to restore his memories. She offered Riku the same choice -- she could seal away the darkness within his heart, but he would have to sleep like Sora does. Riku chose to face the darkness on his own, and Namine understands that he has made the correct choice. He also told her that he was suspicious that it was Namine to appeared to h im as Kairi, which she, surprised, confirmed. Riku stated that the two 'smell the same', before he leaves to face his darkness.
DiZ, knowing that Castle Oblivion was still under the control of the Organization, convinced Namine to move Sora, Donald and Goofy to his laboratory in Twilight Town. The process took a little longer than expected -- some of Sora's 'leaked memories' took on sentience through one of Xemnas's experiments, and began to live as another Replica, Xion. She let DiZ know that the restoration might have taken longer than expected, and revealed Xion's true nature to her.
Namine worked with DiZ and Riku (who had taken on the appearance of Xehanort's Heartless in order to use the power of darkness) in restoring Sora, who was still incomplete, and so Namine was having trouble chaining his memories back together. Riku retrieved Roxas, Sora's Nobody, and DiZ placed him in a virtual Twilight Town, where he could live out the rest of his days until it was time for him to joinh with Sora.
Namine felt a connection with Roxas. She realized that his situation was rather similar to her own stay in Castle Oblivion, and entered the digital Twilight Town herself. There she was able to speak with Roxas, and acted as his guide. She met up with him again, and visited him so that he might discover his true identity. She planned on answering his questions, but Riku stopped her, saying it was best not for him to know. Even so, the encounter with Namine put Roxas into a position where he could contact Kairi, who managed to remember Sora's name.
On the following day, they met again, and Namine explained to Roxas his status as a Nobody, who Axel was, the plan to rejoin him with Sora, and that he was never supposed to exist. Seeing Roxas's reaction, she apologizes, saying that "some things really are better left unsaid".
The sixth and final day found her meeting up with him again, explaining Organization XIII and their plans for Kingdom Hearts. However, this Namine was created of data and was quickly deleted, and so Namine herself appeared, letting him know that even when he is with Sora, he will still exist, and be whole instead of disappear. DiZ attempted to stop her, and before she was taken away she promised to see him again, even if they didn't recognize each other. Despite Roxas demanding they let her go, DiZ and Riku disappeared with Namine into a Corridor of Darkness.
personality: For the most part, Namine is rather quiet. A special Nobody, she should not have true feelings and yet, does. She does not act rashly or out of line, and she tends to be a bit of a pushover. This can be credited heavily to the fact that she was not allowed to develop a personality after her birth -- being obtained by the Organization shortly afterwards left her with no influences from real hearts. Slowly afterward she began developing her own feelings, mostly through interactions with Sora.
Whether or not she thinks it's in her best interest to do something, she is able to be scared or forced into doing it, though this causes her a great deal of remorse. For this reason, she would like to be a little stronger. She has a strong guilt complex; altering Sora's memories caused her a great deal of suffering and a rather low level of self-esteem.
She is not just a ball of angst, though -- she is a very kind girl, echoing her Somebody's personality. Namine is not afraid to speak her mind if the occasion arises, and will be honest when she does so. She tends to love her friends very much, close or no, and is very concerned for their wellbeing. Namine would much rather put herself in harm's way than have someone else go out of their way to save her. As demonstrated by her use of a sketchbook as a medium for her powers, she loves to draw, and a box of crayons is never out of arm's reach.