Aug 04, 2007 12:11
so i get my mail yesterday and i receive my social security statement,. well i have never read the front of this piece of paper, I would always open it up and see how much i get when i get old. so i was bord and read it.
here is what it says :"In 2017 we will begin paying more in benefits then we collect in taxes. Without changes, by 2041 the social security trust fund will be exhausted and there will be enough money to pay out only about 75cents for every dollar of scheduled benefits.We need to resolve these issues soon to make sure SS continues to provide a founation of protection for future generations."
ok so i did the math yesterday, ok i'm lets say 28, ok now to retire you have to be 62 (if not older if they change the age again) so 62-28=34, so i got 34 more years to retire, so its 2007 right, so 2007+34=2041, wow so how convent 2041 when you and me will be getting 75 cents to every dollar.
i feel this is bull shit, so all those hard working dollars that you and me put into SS every week or bi weekly well really be for nothing. who knows in 34 more years who is to say there is any SS benefits
just something to think about