Queen... of the kitchen!

Oct 26, 2009 15:41

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Oh yes!! I did it!! I knew it wasn't my fault, it was the frypan! At last I made spanish omelette!!
Today was going to be TOW Judit comes to Bodington, because Judit and I have to do an exercise for our syntax class and we are checking our conclusions this afternoon but I'm sorry, today is TOW the spanish omelette.

Past days:
Friday 23rd October, TOW the accents. I have been talking about the different accents of English and Spanish for the whole week and this friday we talked about it in my Sociolinguistics class so...

Saturday 24th October, TOW it's Christmas in Manchester. 24th October and it's Christmas! I hate it, if I see christmas trees since october then in december it's not funny! But here everything is like this, when I arrived in september Halloween costumes were in all the shops; in october it's christmas; I think we are going to eat easter eggs since january... Btw, I like Manchester, is more or less like Leeds. HERE you have some pics ^^

Sunday 25th October, TOW something happens with honey. I know, it's a stupid tittle XD but the thing is that yesterday everyone in my house went crazy. Some girl took honey and do I-don't-know-what in the room of one of the boys and while I was cooking my dinner in the kitchen I heard someone sreaming O_o XD

Fangirl time!

I saw Cougar Town!! It rules!! Jules (Courtney Cox character) is crazy, I love her XD Her son (Travis) is such a poor man. I don't like Laurie (Jules' young best friend) at all; but I like the other best friend, Ellie. And Grayson, the neighbour... Oh god *7*
Here a video of one of the best moments of the pilot episode.

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I saw 30rock!! Oh, Jack, I missed you so much!

HIMYM: Barney and Lily are great. One thing I don't like: BROTP ¬_¬

And I've started to watch Brothers and Sisters. I do not like Calista but Sally Field is great, I love Nora Walker *o* Oh, and I like Sarah and Kevin (I've seen just three episodes, though XD)

No comments on Greys Anatomy.

That's all
See you

30rock, place: manchester, himym: robin scherbatsky, friends, himym, b&s, cougar town: jules cobb, b&s: sarah walker, himym: barney stinson, cougar town: laurie keller, dolly's life, pictures, cougar town: ellie torres, greys anatomy, b&s: nora walker, cougar town: travis cobb, himym: brotp, place: bodington hall, celeb: sally field, b&s: kevin walker, friends: monica geller, celeb: calista flockhart, 30rock: jack donaghy, himym: lily aldrin, cougar town, celeb: courtney cox, dolly the cooker, youtube, cougar town: grayson ellis

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