Happy B-Day, Richard!

Aug 31, 2010 23:56

That's right, people, today's Richard Gere's Birthday!! He's 61 and still sexy; well, you know, I love him (L)

(I know, it's the same pic as last year's but he's PERFECT in that picture, isn't he?)

And to celebrate my darling Richard's birthday I went to see CHICAGO :) It was great, even with the songs in spanish, it was like when I saw it in Leeds; god, I love that musical.

I hope you had a good summer; mine was great; it's a pity it's coming to its end... My last day of happynes will be tomorrow, my birthday, after that I'm going to be stressed about uni... Well, I will make the most of tomorrow.

That's all.
See you.

celeb: richard gere, theatre, b-day

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