TOW the blood test

Feb 16, 2010 21:44

Yep, that's the tittle for today! There is no much to explain...
I'm going to tell you about the tittles of past weeks:

- 26/01/2010: TOW the new modules. Italian; TESOL; and Oscar Wilde; that's what I'm studying this semester.
- 27/01/2010: TOW the watch Sherlock Holmes. I like it! And it's the first time I feel something for Jude Law... Oh yes, I love Watson.
- 28/01/2010: TOW Dolly watches House again. Just because I miss Wilson.
- 29/01/2010: TOW just one lesson. Oh yes, jus one lesson on fridays, 2 to 3 and I'm free ^^
- 30/01/2010: TOW they go to Liverpool. I like Liverpool! Everything is about The Beatles!
- 31/01/2010: TOW Jenn and Lucia come. I love visits!
- 01/02/2010: TOW the red hair. Yes, red!hair Dolly is back ^^
- 02/02/2010: TOW the Red!Steph. Steph becomes really really red when she is embarrassed XD
- 03/02/2010: TOW the Woods. Bodington Hall is surrounded by woods so we went for a walk to explore them.
- 04/02/2010: TOW they eat pizza with the guys. Funny evening...night.
- 05/02/2010: TOW the first mark. 48 % in Shakespearean Comedy = I past!
- 06/02/2010: TOW Sheakespeare. We went to Warwick and Stratford Upon Avon, I've been in Shakespeare's house watching Doctor Who!
- 07/02/2010: TOW the first time in ASDA. Everything is SO cheap!
- 08/02/2010: TOW they dance flamenco. And it was so much fun!
- 09/02/2010: TOW they finished at 6. I don't like seminars from 5 to 6 ¬_¬
- 10/02/2010: TOW they dance. Samba & Capoeira, Samba is good, Capoeira means death.
- 11/02/2010: TOW The Lion King. Best-Movie-Ever.
- 12/02/2010: TOW Dolly cannot draw. That's why I shouldn't paint my hand with henna.
- 13/02/2010: TOW they go to Harrogate. Nice place ^^ I paid 3'75 pounds for such a tiny cheesecake in the Betty Tea Shop, though ¬¬
- 14/02/2010: TOW Dolly gets angry. One more time, I'm sorry, sista, but you know what annoys me the most...
- 15/02/2010: TOW the experiment. I dyed Steph's hair red, orange and yellow... such an experiment XD

Ok, now, seriously, I promise to post everyday the tittle of the day and the little comment.

And now... fangirl time!

- Doctor Who: I saw the last two episodes of Ten! Why, God, why? I like David Tennant so much! I'm so sad now he's not the Docta anymore! I like Donna's grandpa as the Docta's companion. Great episodes but.... sad!dolly is sad.

- Greys Anatomy: blondie!Lexie is WTF. Lexie sleeping with Alex again is WTF!. Sloan the daughter leaving and not giving Mark the baby is SRSLY WTF! I want him with a baby, he's so sweet! When he sees the eco and he says "that's the Sloan nose, it's my dad's nose!" he is the cutest man ever! I hate Grey's writers ¬_¬

- Valentine's Day rules!! Jessica Biel's character is so funny, she's a woman who hates Valentine's Day, like me XD (btw, embarrasing/annoying fact: today in my italian class the teacher asked us what did we do for Valentine's Day. All the girls were like "I had dinner with my boyfriend..." and I was like "I did nothing special..." "oh, why?" "because I don't have an effing boyfriend, that's why! ¬_¬". I hate Valentine's day). Conversations between Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper also rule (are you on facebook? XD). And... well, well, well, well! Eric Dane is so fucking hot! When he is running in the beach I was like *seven*, when he takes a shower and he's just with the towel I was like *SEVEN*. And his last scene is just LOVE *o*

Oh, and another stupid thing... I bought a badge that says "drama queen" ^^ I'm so happy! XD

That's all.
See you.

celeb: david tennant, celeb: jessica biel, doctor who, place: liverpool, university: erasmus, place: stratford, film: valentine's day, dolly's life, greys: alex karev, music: the beatles, place: harrogate, greys anatomy, celeb: eric dane, doctor who: donna's grandpa, greys: mark sloan, celeb: julia roberts, greys: lexie grey, celeb: bradley cooper, leeds people: steph, doctor who: donna noble, doctor who: ten

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