Two weeks after...

Dec 01, 2009 00:28

How are you? I'm still alive. There have been two weeks of hard working (do you remember my bloody essay for Sociolinguistics?) so I didn't feel like posting anything, sorry (well, I know you did not miss me XD) and I didn't title my days... I haven't got to much to tell you but anyway, I'm posting:

Let's see... news...

- My hair is purple now XD Mystic Violet. Stephanie dyed it, I dyed hers, pink XD (actually, it was supposed to be dark red but she is blonde so... well, things happen XD).
- I saw Chicago, the musical, on Friday. It was AWESOME, seriously, amazing *o* And this Thursday I'm watching Grease at Uni ^^
- Tomorrow I'm given the feedback of my essay on Shakespeare. Probably the teacher is going to tell me that my writing is awful but he is so nice that I'm going to be happy anyway XD Seriously, he is like Wilson (you know, that he told people they were going to die and they gave him thanks).
- Oh, and speaking of Wilson... Why when I decide to stop watching House Wilson becomes the God of the show and even they give him an episode called "Wilson"?! I don't care, I'm watching this season this summer (when all my tv shows are finished).
- Greys: OMGNOWAYYOUHAVEGOTTOBEKIDDINGME Who decided to not to give me more Mark Sloan until january?! Ok, I forgive you because in January you are going to give me several maddison scenes...
- Bones: 1- I need more Hodgins! 2- Gordon Gordon Wyatt rules!
- Psych: The "last" episode was great, poor my Shawn... *o* Btw, give us Shules! You know you want to!
- Julie & Julia: I saw the movie, is great. Meryl is so funny, Amy is adorable and Stanley Tucci is so good.
- I also watched The Lion King, such a great movie *o*
- I bought 3 books: Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and Little Women. No, I've never read Peter Pan or Alice, and I read Little Women in spanish and I love it, so... Now I'm reading Peter Pan (I'm on a break now though because I have to read The Winter's Tale for my Shakespeare class) ^^

And... nothing else. What's the tittle for today... TOW the words. At dinner people started to create new words, you know people in my house are completely crazy XD

That's all
See you

film: the lion king, film: julie & julia, psych, university: erasmus, literature: little women, bones: jack hodgins, greys: maddison, bones, dolly's life, celeb: stanley tucci, psych: shawn spencer, literature: shakespeare, psych: shules, greys anatomy, bones: gordon gordon whyatt, house md: wilson, greys: mark sloan, celeb: meryl streep, theatre, literature, house md, literature: alice in wonderland, celeb: amy adams, literature: peter pan

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