I cannot say thank you enough to everyone that has posted thus far. Seriously, every story has been top notch, and I encourage you all to read and comment your fellow writers work. High fives all around! Look out for your participation banners later in the week.
On a more serious note, if you have not posted and have not contacted me, please do so ASAP. If you still intend to write your story and need an extended deadline, please let me know today. I will be sending out an inquiry for back-up's later today (April 12) and if I have not herd from you, I am going to assume you've dropped out and I will offer your promps up to the backup writers.
I will be sending out emails to everyone who said yes or maybe in their initial sign up post. If you no longer want to back up, or if you want to back up but didn't sign up as one, leave a comment in this post.
If you are watching this comm and did not sign up for this initial round, but are interested in writing backup, email or message me.