Things can change within a blink of an eye. Nothing ever lasts nor does it stay constant. Nothing. Something can be beautiful, but eventually it wilts and dies. Just like people.
It seems as though I'm back to my old ways again or at least... I should be doing that. Growing up to be a caring, concerned, understanding person doesn't seem to work for me. I should stay oblivious and cruel. Caring too much ends up hurting yourself and no one else. Caring for no one doesn't harm anyone because you didn't make the effort in the first place. It seems like I need to stop making the effort. People will always be people. They only care for themselves and only themselves. Whatever benefits them, that's all that matters. Some people stay in that constant motion, so I guess certain things do stay the same.
I'm tired of making the effort, especially when it's always declined...and yet, people are selfish things, they always ask when or why I don't make the effort after that. It's like a vicious cycle. They ask and I give and they decline. I'm not asking for anything in return, but maybe keep what they say they would do or promise. It's always the same, it seems like I was a wiser person back then than I am now. I need to stop caring and worrying. Everyone eventually... will go away. What is friendship? All it is, is for the other person to not be alone in this world. That's all. To just get attention. Nothing more. I remembered friendship was much more than that, but in this day and age I suppose it's not. Friendship is just connection to meet more people and to meet even more people. Yes, selfish benefits. They always want more. If they're not satisfied with you, they'll go to someone else. If they're tired of the same thing, they'll leave. I have to remember, it's just all for fun. Nothing more. Trusting is such a hard thing to do, and once you do give it... as always, people abuse it. It seems all I get are just lies or secrets hidden from me. Oh well.
It sounds like I'm whining and that I should grow up cuz that's how people are. Well, then tell that to yourself first.
"So this is life"