okay, quickly because although i am cheerful i can feel a tired headache coming on AT VAST LENGTH, APPARENTLY:
have made a VOCAL BREAKTHROUGH OMG, which really honest to goodness deserves the all-caps. my voice is doing the same thing across my whole range! i can ACCESS my whole range consistently & without drama! the top notes have actual
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Our local chain of Goodwills apparently has contracts with a lot of department stores, so they get overstock and slightly damaged goods all the time, meaning brand new clothes with the tags still on (and adorned with very terrifying prices!), although several of my favourite finds have been handmade -- I have a hand-knit green shawl that I have been wearing constantly in this weather, and a very odd long dress with lace-trimmed flowing sleeves that makes me look like some kind of freak-folk chanteuse. Only people keep asking me if I knit the shawl myself, and I have to keep telling them I didn't ... Mum gave me crochet hooks for Christmas. I need to become more crafty, to defend my indie street cred!
Heh heh: I bought the wedding dress for the sole purpose of camwhoring, and there is evidence, somewhere ... Alas, I haven't had a completely functional tripod in a very long time, or else I would model my finds for the f-list more often. ;)
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