paradigm: evening

Mar 13, 2008 23:55

roommate’s brother j. here, to stay for the next three days, i believe.  this slightly awkward, as always when people one tends to monopolize are otherwise occupied, and made more so by brother’s attractiveness.  why, oh why, do i have such a thing for boys who are both skinnier and more feminine than me?  i do not mean, mind you, to suggest that i have any significant hang-ups about my body, since crew is probably the best fitness plan ever invented.  just that, factually, i am broad-shouldered, heavily muscled, and small-breasted, and j. is svelte, long-lashed, etc.  if i ever marry someone of the type i find physically attractive, our wedding photos will be the cause of much (deserved) hilarity.

am in abp, attempting to do work.  sadly, i forgot to use the bathroom before i left the dorm, over an hour ago, and i needed to rather badly even at that point.  thus i have been sitting here wiggling sadly to myself: i don’t particularly want to leave my laptop unattended, and to call the bathroom here sketchy would be a gross understatement.  in other woes, i am losing power rapidly (oh, apple batteries, why are you so quick to lose capacity? though this may be my own fault, for leaving the comp plugged in 24/7.) and the table which has access to abp’s sole outlet is currently (ha) occupied by a pair of argumentative old men.

i should really either do some work or head back to the dorm to sleep, so i can get up; lj has no place in either of these plans.  because of this, and the not insignificant fact that i have run out of things to say, i will sign off.

happy friday!


eta: work accomplished.

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