Notification System
**EDIT Wed Dec 9 00:28:16 UTC 2009 **
The notification system has been fixed in the new release... we are currently processing the queue, which is upwards of 12m jobs... please bear with us while our workers chew through this large queue and get your notification / emails out. Some may come more quickly than others due to weights on the notifications themselves, but we are hoping in the next 24 hours to have all the queues cleared and all notifications delivered that had been queued up over the past few days.
Again I apologize for this inconvenience, but we are almost out of the woods as soon as we are done clear cutting some of the forest ;)
Hey Guys,
Unfortunately with our last release, and its instability, we were forced to roll back releases. Unfortunately in doing so, it would seem that our notification system has been broken somehow. Our engineers are working on this issue as quickly as possible. We hope to have a patch within the next day, so we can deploy our code and fix the notification system at the same time. Please *bear* with us ;)
Currently all notifications are being queued up so they can be processed as soon as the fix is pushed and verified to be working correctly.
Thank you,
Краткий перевод пиндосского высера для тех кто из немецкого плена:
Мы, нижеподписавшиеся долбаные рацианализаторы, замутили новый релиз датабазы ЖЖ, чтобы потоки ваших говнофоток не вешали наши серваки. В результате, этот релиз снес систему уведомлений и мы вообще не понимаем, как такое могло произойти. Сделали откат всех обновлений, сидим, курим бамбук, смотрим, как растет очередь неотправленных уведомлений, ждем 2012 года. Спасибо за понимание, сосите фаллосы.
Поэтому галочками в настройках можете не жонглировать, мимо кассы это все, как и предупреждали вас большевики.
zen_buddha за информацию