thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
What up?
Yours truly,
Grunks44: Dear Mr. Brittain,
I am jealous that you MCC people are/almost out of school. I wish I were you.
Love always,
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
When you get jealous of us, remind yourself that our education is piss poor compared to that of Columbia.
Let the gloating begin,
Grunks44: Brit,
I miss the smell of McHenry, in the evenings.
Yearning for home,
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
Won't you miss the hustle and bustle of the big city? If I had the choice, I'd enjoy Chicago while I still could.
Yokelly yours,
Grunks44: Brittain,
Life in the city, is like eating an orange. Sweet and delicious at first and then long and overbearing at the end.
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
Nice line. Did you come up with it all by yourself? Chicago must be an eternal orange, because it sure has been around for a while. And without a trace of decay!
Now hungry for fruit,
Grunks44: Mr. Brittain,
If you didn't already know, I am the smartest man alive. In response to your question yes I did come up with that myself.
Yours always
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
In that case, maybe you should become a poet. Cast off the life of a film student and live in crippling poverty alongside the likes of artists and fellow writers.
Sure it's worked before,
Grunks44: Mr. Brittain,
I assume if I become a popular filmmaker, my career as a poet would bloom with ease.
Pulling my hair out thanks to crazy baseball game,
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
It's a good thing I don't watch baseball, because I like my hair where it is. Ladies agree.
Modestly handsome,
Grunks44: Brit,
Baseball is the sport of Gods.
thisisnotchris16: Dear Zeus,
Get back to your mountaintop and bring the chronicles of your son back to television so I have something to do on Saturday afternoons. The one starring Kevin Sorbo. Not that wussy teenage crap. We have Smallville for that.
Temporarily agnostic,
Grunks44: Brit,
All of us know that Xena is way better than the one they call Hercules.
Happy and jumping up and down thanks to White sox victory.
thisisnotchris16: Dear Zeus,
Xena was also a lesbian. With a young blonde who clobbered her victims with a staff. That's beyond hot.
Glad he shares tastes with the almighty,
Grunks44: Brit,
Did you know that Lucy Lawless can fly?
thisisnotchris16: Dear Aaron,
What happened? I thought I was just talking to Zeus. Are you Zeus, Aaron? Should I build a throne to thee?
Humbly yours,
P.S. -- Yes, I did. She told you, she's not Xena; she's Lucy Lawless.