Nov 30, 2005 22:19
THe football game last night was amaaazzzzing! BHS won 35-30! It was tense, every time we scored, so would they! They got a safety on us, and we just had to hold them to keep the lead. We held them! Omg, awesome. CHeering section was sick, and it was just cool. So glad I left practice early...waht's one practice?
BTW, I have officially been up for almost 20 hours. Yipee!! I am going to bed really soon. PracticeS today sucked. SO sore and they were hard and long. Ho hum, suck it up, right?
WM sends out letters tomorrow. TOMORROW! SO fucking scared. I wanna get in, I wanna succeed, I wanna be something important! Breath, I just need to breathe. I am confident in my credentials, but I'm not from VA, and there are kids better than me! I guess what happens, happens. I'll be sure to let you know!! I will decorate my LJ my school colors if I get in. OMG! How amazing would it be?
It's cool, I'm helping a few people get their college stuff together, I know what it's like to be scattered everywhere. I hope I can help them.
My bed calls me! Oh, stop being perverted!