Oct 26, 2005 12:29
I want to be so lazy right now. I don't even want to go back to school. I could just curl up and pass out right now. I'm at home. Just finished my calc homework because I didnt bring it to school thismoring because I figured I'd ocme home for a nap anyway. Didn't get a nap. Coldn't get a ride to my car till 6th, and had to do my homework. Urgh..
My applications are sent out! Mrs. Wilhelm speciafically told me that the letters I got from my coach/mrs. liebler were the most glowing letters she's ever read. She said mrs. Liebler always writed good letters, but this one was better than any she has ever read. That made me really happy. Maybe there is a chance of being accepted! My God, I hope so!
Still stressed though. Gold is in full swing. I am going to pick up bulbs and stuff from Agriventures today, and then probably Home Depot later with Mom. I am writing a list of things I need to do...so much! Please volunteers, I need you!! Hope people actually come to help me. I can't wait to get this done. I will be so relieved.
So I should get back to school. Busy! Swimming with BHS today, but no RAC. Hallelujah!
This week has just been exhausting. Homework and swimming and gs all smashing into each other. Being a chic sucks too sometimes.
I'm thinking of getting a new screen name. Maybe still Snoopy, but with different numbers. I want a semi mature sn for college.. Any suggestions?