May 31, 2005 01:59
i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. mine was spent working at Katzingers, but mostly doing nothing. not doing my readings and not writing anything at all. i feel like a schmuck and a loser. i guess i've been avoiding doing anything because i have only a week and a half left of school. after next week, i'll be home free all summer, so thats where my sights have been set. but this week will be a marathon of homework, and it won't be pleasant. but hopefully tomorrow will inspire me.
tomorrow, i will spend all day volunteering at the Interfaith Hospitality Network's day shelter for the homeless as part of my research for my anthropology paper. i went there on thursday to meet with the volunteer coordinator and i got my first look at the shelter. it is in a converted bakery, with a tiny cafeteria and commons room where children play while their parents go to work. i was standing in the commons room thursday, waiting for the man in charge, when a little somali boy (most of columbus' homeless are Somalians b/c columbus has the largest somali population in the U.S.) came right up to me and put his arms around me. i looked down at him and my heart melted. it was an incredible feeling. i knew right then that this could be the start of a long term commitment. i'm hoping tomorrow will be a wonderful day, because this would be a great thing to devote my energies to. i have white guilt like nothing else, and i want to do something.
heres to white guilt.