Aug 18, 2003 12:09
Who Will You Marry? by Sari
Date March 22, 2054
Spouse Nomar Garciapara
Price of Wedding $721,246
Created with quill18's MemeGen!
Nomar kicks ass. . . but too bad my heart is with Hudson. For those who are sports challenged Nomar plays for the red soxs and Hudson is a starting pitcher for the A's. Hey I have something to say and I hope you guys listen up and read. It is the 18th of August and I will be leaving for college on the 12th. I do not want shallow promises to come visit, If you are going to visit than say it and mean it. Inevitably I am going to change, as in everyone changes, and damnit I hate sentimental values, but I would not let you read my livejournal unless I care about you. . . Seriously you guys got a place in my heart and I do not leave myself open for casual entrance. . . even those who do not have live journal should know that the love is there and even if I become an even bigger pyscho or lose the person you once cared about me for. . . the time and the place were there and you have forever secured a non expiring place in my memory which will last far longer than anything else I have to offer. Specific breakdown so when you have not spoken to me in a long time you will remember these words I have written to you. hell you could even print this out:
Erin V- I am starting with you because I spent a summer away from you but you really stayed close to the top of my mind. I don't agree with all your decisions but my support has been there, and anythign I have ever said to you has been out of outmost love. You are not a screwup and you are highly intelligent. I have never seen such insight as I have sitting up with you late at night. Come on erin I can't forget you, miles dont change memories.
Kohl- Dude I would never have expected to have a homo little brother but I can't imagine coming home for a week and not seeing you. Your honesty is hilarious and I respect your opinion, though again I do not always agree. I could never forget our rides to work or the late night conversations. I mean you really are a part of the family. I want you to be there for the rest of my life, and if you are not then something would indeed be missing.
Dannie- DeBlowin' You must understand that those days before school let out just hanging by Sirena's pool have kept me amused for the hours I have worked. The drama surrounding you is only due to the amazing personality you manage to show everyone. . . who could help but get a little crazy. I never thought I would be able to call a driveway comfortable, but yours has always felt so soothing. Dont change, or conform, or any of that. . . be the dannie deblowin that can show her crack in a heartbeat, cause that is the person I will never forget.
Shawna- Haha. . . you are my sister. I have to be honest with you ( and mind you I have been doing this a lot) When you drove me to work today I couldn't help but come outside and look at you as you drove away. Imagining you leaving my life is too hard to bear. I have never been away from you for longer than a week. Even then I think about you often. You have become my refresher and my security blanket. The world seems so cold and barren without you. Who is going to be my best friend in college, who will remind me that it is okay to take down some walls, who will remind to care for people, who is going to be my heart?
I can't handle anymore now. . .sorry guys