Feb 10, 2006 17:57
Tagged By: Lashiku
The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover/partner. Need to mention the sex of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged. if tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.
Target of perfect partner: M
My perfect-partner is:
1. Accepting of my wishes
2. Shares similar life goals
3. Is my best friend
4. Likes to spend time with me
5. Isn't afraid of commitment
6. Doesn't hide our relationship from the rest of the world
7. Can continue his OWN life
8. Is honest
I tag... aspire2nspire, dontshiverrr, iwillmarryu5, margarita81184, troublelover, xbashfulxrosyx, xonxlegendaryx (*7, because I didn't want to be the Big Meanie and re-tag Ash)
1. Do you like anyone? that's debateable (hehehe) OF COURSE!
2. Do they know it? again, YEAH!
4. Had someone buy you something? yep
5. Bought something? yep: <3's Day outfit :)
6. Gotten sick? nope
7. Been hugged? yes
8. Felt stupid? Haven't stopped... believe me
9. Talked to an ex? nope
10. Missed someone? yep
11. Failed a test? nope
12. Ate cereal? nope
13. Danced crazy? yes: salsa dancing in the kitchen- AN UNDERWEAR-ONLY AFFAIR- while making maduros!
14. Gotten your hair cut?: nope
16. Any nervous habits? yeah, talking?
17. Are you double jointed? nope
18. Can you roll your tongue? yep
19. Can you raise one eyebrow? see- you hit my weak spot-- I've ALWAYS wanted to be able to do that
20. Can you cross your eyes? yep
21. Do you make your bed daily? HELLS YEAH! NEAT FREAK IN THE HOUSE!
22. Do you think you are unique? nope
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it? every time
24. Given money to a homeless person? I live in NYC---- nuff said
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came? mmhmmm
27. Snuck out? YES
28. Sat and looked at the stars? my favorite!
29. Do you swear? nope--- so if I do, take cover
30. Do you ever spit? gotta
31. You cook your own food? sadly, yes
32. You do your own chores? LOVE TO!
33. You like beef jerky? not really...but if there's nothing else to graze on, then yes
34. You like pepsi or coke? PEPSI... yeah, that's right, Alex...
35. You're happy with your hair? NO!
36. You own a dog? not technically...
37. You spend your money wisely? YES
38. Do you like to swim? yes
39. When you get bored do you call a friend? never!
40. Are you patient? HA! in another lifetime, maybe
41. flowers or angels? ANGELS
42. gray or black? black
43. Color or black and white photos? black and white--- I'm an art-freak
44. lust or love? LOVE
45. sunrise or sunset? Sunrise... because it means you had a great night
46. M&Ms or Skittles? CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY
Non-Valentines Day Questions:
1. Are you in a relationship? yes
2. If so, who with? Alex, my fiance
3. Sign? pisces
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? YES
5. what about true love? I'm living it
6. Have you made out with casual people? nope
7. Would you kiss on the first date? yes
8. Do you look for one night stands? NO
9. Do you enjoy recieving flowers? yes
10. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy? yes--- but each day with him IS a gift
**put an X in every true one**
[x] you have said I Love You
[x] you have snuck out to meet someone
[x] you've talked about marrige with your partner
[x] you expect a phone call ALL the time to see where your sweetie is
[ ] you ONLY spend your time with him/her instead of pals
[x] do you get jealous when ur bf/ gf talks to the opposite sex
[ ] if they dont treat you like their bf/gf it can hurt your feelings
[ ] you like someone else
1. You have a valentine planned out? I've been told to keep it free :)
2. do you like valentines? no
3. does someone like you currently? I hope so
4. are you even worried about the upcoming holiday? no
6. whats the best gift to recieve on the day? attention
7. Is a little kiss (peck on cheek) during school on v-day sweet? no
9. Why is this an important holiday to couples? It's not- but it's a great excuse to do something out of the ordinary
11. Have you ever gotten something from someone special on the Valentine's Day? no