
Sep 16, 2009 17:03

  • 05:24 Back into my normal routine. Headed for the second cup of coffee and relaxing with some email #
  • 05:25 Looking at my feed - it's a combination of #motorcycles, #wine, #beer, #food and #shopping. #
  • 08:23 @ mscarolm You're lucky you have the option in Manhattan of local-here we just sit at the station for hours. #
  • 08:24 RT@mscarolm Crawl,Carol,CRAWL!$385 down,$3,315 left to go! #
  • 08:31 Want to take my daughter to see #Cavalia but damn those are some expensive tickets. #
  • 08:48 @ RetroBakery Thanks for the heads up on the birthday-my daughter will be so impressed that I knew! #
  • 09:03 Feeling the need for a bagel/cream cheese. The 5 cups of coffee are making my hands shake. #
  • 10:27 Looking to buy the pivots that lock the visor onto the helmet on for Icon Alliance SSR. Anyone know where they can be purchased? #
  • 10:30 I really hate it when gmail keeps delivering the same message repeatedly. Especially on that I have already deleted. #
  • 11:09 @ KimmyDarling Sending gentle hugs to help you through the pain this morning. #
  • 11:35 @ KimmyDarling Perhaps it's the much larger amount of positive energy being forced out into the universe to heal everyone? #
  • 11:49 @ JohnnyCupcakes 165? #
  • 11:52 @ ducatinewstoday Have fun at a lunch! #
  • 11:53 Feeling the need for sushi. I think that @DJMissfrenchie started it! #
  • 12:13 @ ladyhawke82 Ginger is always good for what ails ya #
  • 12:20 @ ladyhawke82 Generally yes, but if you get it strong enough, it can clean out sinuses too #
  • 12:28 just voted "Selena Gomez" on "Who's Better For Nick?" vote too ➔ #
  • 13:09 Please hold the memory of Valerie Johnson for a moment. 19 yrs old with no family died this morning from breast cancer. Diagnosed at 15yo #
  • 13:10 @ WomenRidersNow The Selkirk loop sounds like an awesome trip. #
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