Nevermind DAMNIT!!

Aug 25, 2004 22:55

Ok so ..ya know how i said i was having a great day.....well guess what..the energy has shifted...Im in a terrible mood and im pretty much crying...I just got in a fight with one of my good friends and lol I feel like theres nothing I can do about it..Im sad but at the same time im really pist off and lol even if I tried to tell him itd turn around in some strange way and make me feel even worse....UUUUGGGHHH...oh well i guess thats the way of the world..ppl suck expect nothing...that way no one can dissapoint no one and the trust can never be broken..and most importantly befriend no one because the bastards always end up stabbing u in the back.... id be better off talking to my furby(and by that im mean my furby doll that hairy crazy pinnnnk and white thing lol that ..ya know what nvrmnd theres no fixing this)....oh well now this is getting on the phone..hopefully itll make me feel better..oh yea and im going to eat some gushers and diet coke...mmmm mm mmmmm mm!!!
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