Mar 07, 2005 13:25
Wow peeps, it's hard to believe Spring break has already dawned upon us. Updates on thingys. I'm working harder on trying to set up a good clientelle of students to support myself, so far nil on that project. So I may have to look i take that back, I AM going to have to look into getting another job. At least for the time being. So this week shall be spent catching up on things I have put aside. Such as getting info for Mercer, apartments, etc. Putting oil in the car. getting the tires rotated. you know, random life things.
I'm tired of being a lazy ass and i'm finally tired of hearing my parents' griping. They refuse to see that i have grown and changed, so i'm just going to have to move out and prove it to them. I know, Jenny, it's about fucking time. Sorry, thought there was certainly another way of proving myself but apparently i'm wrong.
Mom of course gave me the phrase " I give you a week before you get yourself into trouble". you know, she still hasn't clearly stated what "trouble" is. Whatever, I'm just sick and tired of it all. A move is a good clear change.
Other than that....i'm good. Know of any job listings available? I'm here. willing to work, can type pretty darn fast. Works well with people. I'll take an office job right now. I've got time. As Noah says, I can do it!
hehe. At least I've got great friends. And a solid, if not somewhat deranged family.
My uncle's 40th birthday was this past weekend. It's made me realize that I do need to finally settle things with my family before something major happens. I've been just scraping by with this tension in my familiy and I can't keep living like this. You know who's really brought it to the forefront? People like Elijah and Tiffany and Elizabeth...Elizabeth because she was in a similar situation with her parents a couple years back. Tiffany because she's in the same situation with me now...and Elijah because...because I love him. Don't tell him that. He has no clue and he doesn't need to know. He's got enough shit on his plate without the added bonus of a lovesick friend. And i've realized I don't need to bring my insecurities and disfunctions with my family into another relationship. The last major step in my life before i get another serious relationship. Oh yeah....the last person I need to thank is Mike, You've been the best person out of the four i've felt most comfortable coming to and talking these things through. Thanks for putting up with it all. hehe.
I'll call you again soon.
Now for my smaller worries. cousin. I'm worried for her because she isn't in high school anymore. She was a few months from graduation and has missed too many days now. So she's getting her GED. She's still trying for college and looking into possibly moving, hopefully up here near me. Right now I am the best possible solution for helping her stabalize herself. I can't provide her any shelter but at least i can weather the storm with her. I do see what Mary is talking about though. She's hit her boy craze phase. She'll be fine and start to really make her own path until she meets a guy and then it's all downhill. If she's not careful she's going to find herself in a real bad spot. She could get involved with the wrong guy and that would be it. Hmm...thoughts. Well, i'm sure she'll get through it, eventually, i mean...we all do don't we? lol. well, maybe we learn to put it more to back burner as we get older.
I don't really know what the next few months has in store for me, but needless to say, they won't be boring to say the least.
I think that's all for now. woo.
peace out to all ya'll.