Sep 14, 2006 02:57
Been too long, as always, but that's usually what happens when life grabs you by your bootstraps and says hold on to your ass. I can't even remember the last time I posted but I think at least i mentioned that I had transferred colleges to complete my degree. Wow, how things have changed since then. I've found myself a new crew of friends, all unique, interesting, and with their own special brand of edginess(if that's even a word). I started out living on campus with some sorry excuse for roomates, and when i found conditions favorable, I jumped at the chance to change that, and ended up moving into a loft apartment with two of my close friends. Since then, everyday is a new challenge and adventure, we're all growing and changing before our own eyes. Kinda scary at times, but none the less things arent boring. Not for a second. To the point, I barely get sleep these days. On top of things, I've met a special someone. Still trying to figure out where things are going with that, a few weeks ago it was just a friendly favorable aquaintance, and now...well, I guess that's how things go though. The best things are suprises to you. They sneak and shock and entice you. Make you think things you never imagined before, and want you to go where you've never been. Again, we'll see where that goes. :P
In all reality, life is beating me down and I haven't got time to catch my breath yet. Oye, this could end badly. Let's hope not. I have that gut feeling it's only going to get better. purr. hehe.
Other than that, on a more mundane note, did something i haven't done in years, bought some CD's. Gnarls Barkley, Billie Holliday, 30 Seconds to Mars...and yes, Christina Aguilera. Guilty pleasure, she is. But as i sit and type and aurally peruse her new 2 disc release, I find myself really liking this one. Personally loving older musical styles myself, this only appeals to me. Ah, the small pleasantries in life. Keeps one positive in the midst of exhaustion.
So far this semester is challenging on a whole new level for me. This is no repeat of the past. Those events were just to prepare my stress level. Last semester challenged my health, stress and prompted me to ask, just how much music can you handle? This time, the music is challenging me to be better, to break myself down and build a better me. So with college daring me to climb a new mount, the home is situation is testing the metal of my friendships. That special someone is taunting me to go where i've never dared. I feel like i'm being pulled in every direction of my life with no rest in sight. Well, that certainly explains the exhaustion. This semester is changing me, good luck to those who knew me, for that girl is about to get a facelift. Now that I've paused long enough to explore my situation, time to get back to feeding my soul. Music here i come.