Jul 06, 2005 17:22
Well, must look at this as a positive thing. Mercer won't accept over a year's worth of my work. Well, hell on that, I'm not about to repeat all that. So i'm currently looking for other options college wise. I'm just tired of all this, i'm tired of scraping for every damned college credit in order to get ahead. Why is it that other people get through this shit so much easier than i? It's not like i'm some idiot who can't put two words together. well, communication with mercer has failed. I've called, left messages, and nothing. So I can't even complete my audition process now. All doors for them have been shut. Dammit.
But Look on the brighter side of life. Look at other alternatives. Look at other colleges. Now the situation has somewhat improved because i've found a number of colleges that fulfill my purposes but they are all out of town. This can be good and bad at the same time. Good because i'll complete my education. bad, possibly because that would put me farther away from a certain someone than i already am. He would say do what I want that makes me happy. Yeah i'm thinking about that. What makes me happy. I've found what i think would make me happy. University of West Georgia might make me happy. Looks like a good school, in a relatively small town, about 12,000 students strong. I could handle that. Decent music program to the looks of it. And the price seems reasonable. Hmm...just don't know though, something seems to be holding me back from just taking the plunge, but at the moment i don't know what. Reguardless I need to make some serious decisions and soon because what i do now determines what i do for the rest of the year and possibly the next couple of years of my life. Why does every decision have to be so damned important? Why can't I just have the easy ones like blue or red, what kind of salad dressing do i want and to watch this movie or that one. OH well, that's life I suppose. I think i've got it out of my system for now. Laters.