fic: Maybe a Little

Aug 06, 2010 00:15

Author: dolce_amore
Title: Maybe a Little
Genre/Type: Fluff/Romance - One shot
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Reid/Luke
Disclaimer: I don't own ATWT or any of it's characters/settings.
Warnings: Refers to the July 14 episode
Summary: Reid's POV of an exchange he and Luke had in Old Town in the July 14th Episode.
Author's Notes: I wrote this at 4 AM this morning, lol. In case you're wondering, more of my multi-chapter fic Left and Right will be posted very soon.

Enjoy! Comments = Love.

“Oh, c’mon, admit it. You need me.”

“Maybe a little.”

You said it in a teasing way, with a stupid grin on your face. I teased back. We laughed it off and carried on with our day, but I can’t help but wonder if you really understand.

I need you to understand that I need you. I need you in selfish ways, anywhere from to help me become a person to allowing me to get my fix of breathing you in.

I need you to understand that I need you. When we talk I need you to look me in the eye, not down at our feet. When you look away I bring my eyes to match yours, and I wonder if you notice or not. Know that it’s on purpose. I need those eyes.

I need you to understand that I need you. I need you for more selfish reasons than I already mentioned. I need you around so that I can trust you. Before I met you I trusted no one but myself. Now that I have met you I cannot remember that feeling anymore nor do I want to. I need you so I can be what you see in me. I don’t want to be Dr. Oliver to you. I want to be Reid. I want to be as real to you as you are to me.

I need you to understand that I need you. When I hold your hand it’s not to be sickeningly romantic. It’s because I need your touch. I need the shock that runs from my fingers to yours and yours to mine every time they get near one another. I need the jolt.

I need you to know that I need you. I need you to stay as you are, because that’s a ridiculous cliché, and you love clichés. I need you to stay sweet and sincere and kind because those are all the things that I’m not. They’re all the things I never want to be because first of all, you do them better than I, and second of all, I get the feeling that if I adopted those traits you’d look at me differently because they are all sorts of not me. I need you to never look at me differently.

I need you to understand that I need you. I need you to put me in my place because no one else bothers to. I need you to say stupid things I can make fun of because you’re the only one who gives it right back. I need you to argue with me because I used to have plenty of arguments regarding my passion, my career. I argue with you because you’re the only person I’ve ever been passionate about to argue with and mean it. I need you to argue with me because you’re the only person I’ve ever felt compelled to make up with over and over and over again. And mean it.

I need you to understand that I need you. I need you to take care of yourself and if you can’t, I need you to let someone do it for you, even if that person isn’t me. I need you to be happy. I need you to know that I’m not needy for you, and if one day you’re no longer happy with me, I don’t want you to stay. I don’t need you to stay. I only need you to want to stay.

I need you to understand that I need you. I need you to understand on your own though, because I refuse to fully say it. I say so much to you and I don’t know if you even hear it. With my eyes, with my mouth, with my touch. You act like you hear it, but do you? I can never tell with you. I’m good at reading people and you are no exception. At the same time, I can never tell if you know me. Well, I do know that you know me, and that you isolate yourself for it, because no one wants to know me but you. What I’m not sure of is if you know what you are to me. You may never know. And I refuse to tell you, because I’m a jerk, and you like me that way. I’m going to make you figure it out on your own, because I’m a genius, and I wouldn’t like you if I didn’t think you were pretty damn smart, too. I’m going to make you get a clue because you challenge me and you like me to challenge you back.

I need you to understand that I need you, but that may take a long time. Until then I’m just going to carry on and keep on needing you, but shrugging it off with a smile. While waiting isn’t my strong suit, I can do it for you. I’ve already done it for you. I waited months just to be able to breathe around you, to really talk to you. Sometimes I still wait to talk to you, wait until I can say what I mean to say. I always have to wait around you, because being rash and screwing things up is more than I could stand. I like control. Waiting is control. If I don’t wait around you I could lose it all. If I don’t wait around you, I could lose you. You make me lose all sense of control, but I have to hold on to just this one piece of it, to let me be patient, to let me be who I want to be for you.

I need you to understand that I need you. I don’t want you to understand that I need you before you’re ready, because I don’t want to burden you. You would tell me that you needed me back if I told you now as a means to not hurt me, not knowing that pretending to need me is what would hurt far more. The next time if you ask me if I need you, I’m going to say “Maybe a little.” And the time after that, I’ll say it again. And I’ll look at you the same way every time. In time, you’ll understand. Right now, I’m okay with putting what you need before what I need. I need you to understand that I need you. But all you need right now is to tease me with that stupid grin on your face, and for me to tease you back.

fanfiction, fic: maybe a little, !author/artist: dolce_amore93, rating: pg

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