Blink, Chapter 5: Four Years, One Month

Apr 01, 2011 23:50

Title: Blink, Chapter 5
Author: dolce_amore93
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
DIsclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story. Shucks.
Summary: A lockdown at Memorial has Reid and Luke locked in Reid's office. A rather important discussion takes place. ;) This fic takes place in August 2014.
A/N: Hi guys! This is the first big milestone fic in this series, so I'm excited. :D Next update should be coming rather soon (or at least, I'll try!). Comments = love!


August 2014

“I have a hospital to run, okay? If you could cut to the chase and let me go on with my day, that would be super,” Reid snapped. He stood in a hospital corridor with Margo Hughes, his arms were crossed and expression cold.

She sighed exasperatedly. “I realize that you have a hospital to run, Dr. Oliver, but Meg Snyder has escaped from the mental facility she was in. It was just reported that she was seen on the premises. We need to put the hospital on lockdown until we can locate her.”

“That’s a great idea. Lock the nut job in with all of the sick people. That’ll make them feel so much better.”

“Well, the purpose of the lockdown would be to either keep her out or make it easier to find her if she has already entered the building,” Margo explained calmly.

Reid rolled his eyes. “Whatever. What can I do to make you go away faster so we can all get back to work?”

“Send out a hospital-wide page that no one is to leave the room they are currently in, staff and patients alike.”

“Are you insane? We can’t all just sit around while the squirrels run around looking for their nut.”

Just then, Luke came walking around the corner, his eyes wide. “Margo! Reid! Hi,” he interrupted. Reid stared blankly at him.

“Everything okay here?” Luke asked hopefully.

“No,” Reid muttered. “She wants to lock down the whole damn hospital because your insane aunt is on the loose.”

Margo shook her head. “The sooner you send out the page, the sooner we can get started. We’ll only need an hour or two to search the building. Once it is cleared along with the surrounding area, we’ll be out of your hair.”

“Two hours in Oakdale PD Land equals what, six hours in the real world?” Reid snapped.

“Okay!” Luke chimed. “Let’s go into your office so you can make that page.”

“My office? What? No, I’m keeping an eye on them until they leave,” Reid replied, scowling at Margo.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Dr. Oliver. We need everyone to stay in a room. That includes you.”

Reid huffed. “This is ridiculous.”

Luke grabbed Reid by the shoulders and steered him toward his office. “We understand. Update us when you learn more, Margo!” he called back.

Once in Reid’s office, Luke shut the door behind them. “You could stand to be more cooperative.”

“If we stopped everything every time a fugitive or crazy person was running around Oakdale, there’d never even be a need for us to leave the house,” Reid replied. He raised an eyebrow. “Which wouldn’t be all that unfortunate.”

Luke smirked. “No, it wouldn’t.”

Reid stood quietly for a moment, suddenly realizing that he was locked in his office with Luke. His muscles relaxed as he stepped towards Luke.

“I’m sure the police won’t be here too long,” Luke said, rubbing his arm.

“Not much I can do about it now,” Reid said, running his hands down Luke’s sides.

“Oh? That’s not what you were saying a minute ago.”

“A minute ago I wasn’t locked in a room with you,” Reid replied. He kissed him, and Luke grunted, pulling away.

“You sent out the page, right?”

“Yup. Now the nurses don’t have to pretend that they’re working,” Reid replied before diving back into the kiss. Luke smiled, bringing a hand up to Reid’s neck, which prompted Reid to bring his hands up to Luke’s face. After a few lingering kisses, they pulled apart, but only an inch.

“I’ve been thinking,” Luke started.

“What about?” Reid asked.

Luke sighed, shuffling his feet. “What do you think about rings?”

Reid furrowed his brow. “I… don’t think about them.”

“For us, I mean,” Luke clarified. “I mean, not like, like… we could call them whatever. Promise rings or commitment rings or something,” Luke explained, speaking rather quickly. There was no one person in control of the relationship - they did things together. Always. It never took work or required a discussion… it was just how it had always been with them. It was the reason that Luke never hesitated to tell Reid what he was thinking. Still, with the heavy topics like this, he couldn’t stop the knot in his stomach from forming in fear that he’d scare Reid away, even though his heart knew Reid wasn’t going anywhere.

“Promise rings?” Reid asked. He hadn’t heard of them since high school.

“I was just thinking we could get something that’s a symbol of us being committed to each other.”

“Would a hickey suffice?” Reid replied with a smirk. Luke just stared at him.

“I don’t know, Luke. I mean - we’d wear rings… why? To prove to everyone else something that we’ve known for years? I don’t care about them. Wearing a silver band around your finger shouldn’t change anything in a relationship.”

“No, I know,” Luke said.

“Why do you want them?” Reid asked.

Luke shrugged. “Just because.”

“You don’t do anything ‘just because’, Snyder,” Reid said, cocking his head to meet Luke’s eyes that were staring at the floor.

“A guy came on to me the yesterday,” Luke murmured. “In Old Town. I was waiting for you at Java. This guy started talking to me and seemed friendly enough, but then he tried to make a pass at me,” he explained, shifting uncomfortably. He had half a thought of asking Reid if he was angry, but already knew it would be met with a headshake and gentle “Why would I be angry?”. He continued.

“I just… I know you don’t agree with me, but to an extent, I do care what people think. I want people to know that I have someone. And that someone has me,” he said quietly.

“You’re still going to get hit on regardless,” Reid replied huskily, causing Luke to blush. He thought for a moment. “Well - why wear rings if we’re not going for the whole shebang?”

Luke looked at him cautiously. “… Meaning what?”

“Its only logical that if we’re going to go out and buy rings that symbolize commitment that we go hardcore.” Only Reid could make marriage sound like a mosh pit.

“Are you suggesting that we get married?” Luke asked, his eyes gleaming.

Reid shrugged. “Well, I don’t see either one of us going anywhere anytime soon. I’d be just fine leaving things as they are, but if we are going to get rings, might as well make them wedding rings. I’m sure as hell not referring to them as promise rings. That just sounds… stupid.” he said. Luke laughed.

“And since you’d love the ceremoniousness of it all… right?” Reid added. nonchalantly. Inside, he wasn’t so nonchalant. Yes, this was the next logical step. It made sense. It was more than that, though. Everyone in his life that he cared about pre-Luke went away. Left. But he was more certain than he had ever been about anything (which is saying a lot) that Luke was in this for the long haul. Not just the whole enchilada, but the Diet Coke that went with it and the chocolate ice cream that followed it, too. Reid couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it meant to him, but it meant something.

“I can’t believe you’re seriously proposing.”

“Why does everyone assume that I hate commitment so much? If I couldn’t commit, I wouldn’t be one of the country’s best neurosurgeons.”

“I didn’t think you had anything against commitment,” Luke said honestly. No one could ever claim that Reid didn't go after what he wanted with everything he had. Luke sighed. “If you don’t want to do this, though, we don’t have to. Marriage is great, but I don’t need it if you don’t want it.”

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t want it.”

Luke smiled. “I know.”

“Interesting that our first agreement is about getting married,” Reid cracked, reaching out and squeezing Luke’s hand.

Luke laughed. “Small wedding, big cake, right?”

“Sounds good to me.”

Margo flung the door open. “Found Meg! We caught her in Old Town,” she said. Just as Reid was about to comment on the lack of proximity between Old Town and the hospital, she added, “We apologize for wasting your time.”

“I’m glad you found her, but some of us have jobs to get back to, so…” Reid replied. Margo shook her head and left, thankfully, before Luke could let slip that the lockdown wasn’t a total waste of time.


End Note: When I first started writing this series, I wasn't planning on them getting married, just because I see them as a couple that wouldn't really need that. At the same time, it would be odd for the conversation to NOT come up eventually, and I imagine that when it did come up, they'd decide to just go for it. :D So, I hope you're satisfied with this. :)

fic: blink, !author/artist: dolce_amore93, rating: pg

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